
Flashing the Neighbors

I just strolled nekkid into the garage to throw some trash away, not realizing that the garage door was open and one of the neighbors was in her driveway. I don't think I was spotted. I hate living in a neighborhood.

I learned something about the spray on self tanner last week. If you have mosquito bites and you spraypaint yourself and then scratch in your sleep your fake tan will be all fucked up. I mean Fucked up with capital F. I think I've managed to scrub it off so I'm gonna have Sweety spray me down evenly later instead of doing it myself.

I shall go pass out now.

Dear sleep gods, please do not give me any scary dreams. Something pornographic would be nice though. Thank you and amen.


Anonymous said...

LOL...I walk around my house naked all the time. Now that BD is working out of the house, he SURE doesn't mind. Now when his crew comes over, I might need to be more modest.

Of course if he hires a hot guy....

Anonymous said...

I have this image of you and that tanner.. all scratched up.. made me laugh. Great site

Chickie said...

sk - I usually check before I stroll around by our back windows but our garage door is almost always shut so it took me by surprise.

him - I gave it another go this morning. I should see in a few hours if I'm an even brown or look like a vitiligo victim.

Thanks for the compliment. It's a work in progress over here. Or with everything I do.

Anonymous said...

A comment on the self tanner..

My husband & I went to a wedding in West Palm Beach 2 years ago in which we were surrounded by thin, tan, beautiful people. Hubs & I were fat and pasty. (Although still beautiful.) Last minute, I opted to go for the "glow", and gave myself a fake tan.

As soon as we left, a freaking monsoon came. We got caught in the rain, got lost getting to the church, and had to make a break for it in the downpour. We arrived just in time to cut in front of the flower girl as she made her way down the aisle. I curled up close to Hubs, as I was drenched and the church was air conditioned. I hardly noticed at the time, but as soon as we got up... after the verrrry long Catholic ceremony... there was my tan, dripping down my legs, my arms, and all over Hubs' pants. I snuck out the side door and made him stop at Walgreens on the way back to the hotel so I could buy some rubbing alcohol and take it off.

Lesson learned: If you're going to go fake, go fake the day before. Otherwise, go pasty. It's less humiliating to be pasty than have your tan rubbing off between your thighs.

Chickie said...

tajalude - I had something like that happen to me on a much smaller scale. I was alone running errands and saw it staining my socks in the rain. If I'd have been in your situation I would've done the exact same thing!

Anonymous said...

The garage thing has happened to all of us. I've had the misfortune of being in the garage when California Girl opened the door using the remote in the car as she returned from somewhere. Of course my car was in the way so I couldn't make a beeline for the door to the house.