
Thank Goodness for Earplugs

I love the sounds of a lawn being mowed. Really I do. I don't hold it against my neighbors that I work some fucked up schedule. I understand that they need to mow when I'm sleeping. Maybe I'll do some weed-eating this morning at 2:35 a.m. At least I have some very good earplugs. Just kinda makes it white noise.

This morning I think I found something that will make my back pain tolerable. It was killing me when I got home from work so I ate a xanax. I don't know if the pill made the pain go away but it did make me pass out and when I woke up it wasn't so bad. Usually when it hurts like this I can't even sleep. Viva la xanax! My doc gave them to me for anxiety but I don't take them as often as he says to cause I'd be a zombie. Maybe I will save them just for this.

I just loaded up my little pill divider so I will hopefully remember to take the pills that I should every day. I even threw my birth control one's in there so I shouldn't forget.

Man, tiny dog Oy is such a grouchy little bitch. Stinky dog Tasha is trying to sleep but it's kinda hard with a yapping little bit o' nothing in her ear. I may put Oy in her room so Tasha can have some peace.

Last night at work I put my new purse in a place where I could look at it and pet it unnoticed. It pleases me so. I see women who carry purses that are patterned and stuff but I just don't have enough fashion sense for anything other than black. Though I may go get this purse in a dark brown also, just for when I'm feeling frisky.

We won a watch case for Sweety on ebay. He's got like 4 or 5 watches and some of them are the selfwinding kind. So this thing will shake up to 4 watches and keep them charged up. We'd seen a watch case like this and it was over a freaking thousand dollars. Puh-leeze. I sniped this one off ebay for 76. I hope it's not total crap. Sweety'd never bid on anything before. He got very excited while I was trying to outbid someone else.

I think I'll cram my earplugs in and go post elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

I have approximately a normal schedule and I don't like the sound of lawn mowers in the morning period. Where I used to live one of the neighbors had a mower that always sounded like it was going to die but never did. It was quite annoying.

Chickie said...

For some reason, leaf blowers piss me off worse than mowers. Last year after the hurricanes all the power was off and some people had generators. The sounds of those really irked me while I was sweating to death, trying to sleep during the day.