
Wanna See My Stuff?

Yesterday was a good one. Went and watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It was okay. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if Angelina Jolie wasn't in it to ogle. And the fact that there were 3 fresh babies in the audience squawling at random times did nothing for the ambiance either. And the power also went off during the movie so we all had to sit there and wait for the show to start back up. Geez, I guess if I think about it, it was kind of a sucky movie going experience.

Then afterwards we piddled around the mall. Sweety got me a book. BookI read it awhile back and wanted to get it and when I saw this edition I about peed on myself I got so excited. I carried it around the bookstore with me (it was the last one they had) but then got some early buyer's remorse and put it back on the shelf. He saw me do that and went back and got it. It's a really neat book. It has pictures of a lot of the places and pictures that are referred to in the story.

And then I got a new purse. It's actual real dead animal hide: leather!
See, one side for the crap I MUST NOT lose.

And the other side for my phone and keys and stuff.

It's small so I can't overfill it with trash. I freaking love it. My old one was falling apart. I've never had a nice purse before. I've always carried the same style of purse, small and black, but they have always been purchased on sale at wallyworld (except for one year when I went high-class and got one at target) And then I'll carry it until it is literally falling apart and is an embarrassment to open with a store clerk looking at it. While you may not be interested in a purse that can be purchased at any Dillard's this was quite the event for me. I will probably carry this one until I die.

And while I was snooping around the bookstore Sweety went to Godiva's and got two huge chocolate covered strawberries. Yum-freaking-ee.
Godiva Oy liked the empty bag.

On the drive home I had to fill up my new purse. I carried it around the house naked for quite awhile. I didn't want anything to distract from it while I preened carrying it in front of the mirror.

We had a nice quiet night watching the telly. I'm really liking this cable on demand stuff. I've managed to watch all the Penn & Teller Bullshit shows. Quite entertaining.

I've decided to not turn in the FMLA form that I got from work. I don't like going to the doctor and I'd never been to the doctor about my back hurting. I know it's being caused by my breasts and gravity. On the FMLA form you have to sign something saying that you give work permission to view your medical charts. And I don't wanna do that. If I'd been going to the doc's and getting treatment I might not mind but I don't think they need to see that my doctor has me on xanax and paxil cause I dread going to work so much. The whole reason I started the FMLA process was because it was suggested to me by a higher up at work. I'm just going to tell them I'm not sending the form back and why. And I'll also tell them I'm so not faking the back hurting and if they'd like to see how we're refinancing the house to help pay for it I'm okay with that.


Anonymous said...

I've never understood women and purses. Some switch all the time and some have one that the take everywhere. California Girl is a 1-purse woman except on special occasions.

On your FMLA form can you just give them access to your medical records concerning your back but nothing else? I wouldn't want my employer reviewing my medical records either.

Chickie said...

I'm pretty much a 1 purser. Not because I don't like some purses that I see but I don't understand how you pick out one, does it need to match what you wear or what? So I just opt for small and black and don't worry if it goes with what I have on.

The thing about my back is that I'd never been to my doc about it. I only went because my supervisor suggested it. I know why it hurts and I know the only thing a doc could give me is pain pills and I'm not crazy about taking them. I think I did just find out last night the the xanax he gives me for stress seems to help so I may hoarde them for when my back hurts.