
Highlights From Our OK Trip & Assorted Thoughts

We took the kiddos snipe hunting. For the uninitiated snipe hunting is when you take people that don't know what's going on out into the dark with a paper bag and leave them to catch the mythical snipe. And I know that there is a bird known as a snipe, but for this you're not hunting any bird.

On they way back to my Mom's house from the neato cabin we stayed in I mentioned to Sweety that maybe the boys were old enough for their first snipe hunt. He agreed and we began to tell tall tales of what cute fuzzy creatures snipes are and how they can be carried on the plane if we get any. So of course the boys get very excited and are quizzing everyone in my family about snipes. At about 9:30 that night each of the boys got a plastic bag and I taught them the official snipe call (wooo-wooo snipe snipe snipe!). Then I walked them to the dirt road in front of my Mom's house and told them I needed to go guard the perimeter against foxes because everyone knows that foxes just loooove to eat some snipe. I went and hid just by the front door of the house and I saw Sweety crouched by the corn field. I thought he was there to calm the boys down if they got too freaked out. How wrong I was.

After a couple of minutes I hear BB barreling up the driveway and I hop out and scare him. And he almost knocks me out swinging his plastic bag wrapped fist before he charges inside. LB is bringing up the rear, mad as hell. He's crying and he throws the bag on the ground and stomps it before going inside.

After all the details are sorted out I find out that my idea of a snipe hunt and Sweety's are a wee bit different. The way I always did it was you took the person out in the dark and just left them there. The way Sweety did it was you took the people out there and made wild animal noises from the dark to scare the piss out of them. So I'm thinking he's hiding in the corn to save the boys if they get too freaked out but he was really fucking growling out there and crawled up the road towards the kiddos in the dark. BB said he heard slurping sounds and then saw what he thought was a giant white wolf (sweety in a t-shirt) coming to eat them.

They were more pissed off when they found out that there was no such thing as snipes than anything else.

They can't wait til Sylvie is a little older so they can take her snipe hunting.

On my way to Oklahoma I call my ex-mother-in-law to see if she has my ex-sister-in-law's phone number cause when I was in OK a few weeks ago she was moving there and I wanted to visit my nephews and niece. And I find out that she didn't stay in OK very long and was now living with her mom. And then I find out that my nephew didn't get his birthday present that I had mailed to her address in OK (my exhusband's post office box). I guess the nephew was thinking that I had just forgotten his ninth birthday. I told ESIL that her brother should have gotten a big ass box with a telescope in it and some other stuff. She said he never mentioned it. I almost went to the exhusband's house or gave him a call to get the damn box so I could mail it again. But decided it would be easier emotionally to just buy another telescope. It still pisses me off though. I don't fuck around when it comes to my nephew's birthday. He always gets a nice box of goodies from me.

Tiny dog has effing puked twice this morning. I gave her some yogurt drops for a treat and I think they made her ill. What's even grosser is the first time she puked she ate the shit before I could get out of my chair and throw it away. I don't know if she'll get to sleep in the bed with me today. Agh. Holy fuckamoly. She just did it again and ate it. She is definitely regurgitating the yogurt drops. Those are going in the trash right now. My poor little doggy.

On my way home this morning I saw an interesting sight. Some guy was passed out (dead?) in the highway and two police officers were poking him with their little ballbats. I'm thinking he must have been alive or else they'd have been taking his pulse or something instead of poking him. I'm gonna see if it was reported that there was a hit and run or anything in that area.

On July 6 we celebrated 4 years of domestic bliss. And we learned a valuable lesson: if you eat at a restaurant in the mall, even if it's a well know supposedly good place, it's gonna suck because all mall food sucks. We had an anniversary lunch at a place in the Mall of Millenia and it was total crap.

Before our lunch Sweety went with me to see the titty doctor again because I had more questions about getting a reduction/lift. Sweety was very impressed with the guy. The Doc flat out said that he was the best and the before/after shots were great. And he looks 10-15 years younger than he is. That is encouraging to me also. The Doc said that they would look like what they looked like when they used to be perky. That's when I told him these bitches have NEVER been perky. I have faith that he'll whip them into shape. I can't wait for my new streamlined boobies. I hope I don't miss having big ones. I plan on getting this done within the next 2 months. I want to get rid of the 30 pounds that I've found since marrying Sweety before any additional surgery.

The boys are at their Mom's til Tuesday night. Monday is when their stepdad's birthday would have been and they are going to the beach to have a memorial service to celebrate. I told Sweety that if I die anytime soon he has my permission to never mention me again unless the boys bring me up. I don't think they even knew when their stepdad's birthday was til after he died. I believe the EW has been calling Sweety and not sounding very emotionally stable. I hope she doesn't drive them all into the ocean Monday night. And if she does, I hope the boys have the good sense to unbuckle their seatbelts and get out when the car hits the water.

Tiny dog Oy must be feeling better. She's running around like a cracked out monkey. Good.

My friend at work gave me a book Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans. And it is quite interesting. I didn't know that at one point there was a law saying if a (white) American woman married and Asian man that she would no longer be an American citizen. Some books are an "easy read" or just popcorn for the brain. This one is a pretty hard read. I may have to read it at home so I can pay attention to it and read some bit of fluff while I'm at work.

I'm going to curl up with Oy for some z's. Let's hope she's really done barfing.


Anonymous said...

You are Sweety are two of a kind. I'm calling CPS so that you two can be investigated like we were! LOL not really. too funny...I wish I would have thought of that! And I love "what do you mean snipes are fake?"

And why do dang dogs eat their vomit? that's just...GROSS!! damn.

I never knew about "relocation" during WW2 until I read books like that one. Horrid...just horrid.

Too funny that yours and Sweety's anniversary is just 2 days after ours! You have a year on us, though. LOL

Well, enjoy your Xanax, and I'll see you Sunday!

Anonymous said...

The dog would NOT be in bed with me after eating throw up. Who knows how many times the cycle is going to repeat itself?

I hope that you enjoy your book. I try not to do too many "hard reads". Way too depressing. Sometimes I wonder what we'll be reading about years from now about what happened in the times in which we currently are living.

Anonymous said...

Excellent book. Read it myself.


Chickie said...

sk - I told Sweety maybe we deserved CPS after that stunt. I was glad (?) the boys saw the somewhat humor of it and want to take Sylvie as soon as possible.

Our anniversary would've been sooner but in FL you have to wait 3 days after getting the marriage certificate to get married. I flew in on the 2nd, got that on the 3rd and flew out on the 7th or 8th. The 6th was really our only option!

mcb - I was pretty sure the vomiting was over just from the way she was acting. And I felt such guilt over maybe giving her a bad treat that I couldn't make her suffer on the floor alone.

So far the book is good. It has been very informative. I think I need to know more about Asians than I do and this seems a good place to start.

Imapuma - I concur. There are just enough personal stories in it to keep it interesting for me.