
Stuff Portrait Friday

I decided to scamper around and photograph my crap so ya'll could see it. I usually just lurk and leer at everyone else's stuff on Friday's. Voila!

My Favorite Framed Picture
Favorite Picture
This was taken a couple of years ago. My friend from TX was down visiting and we were playing cards and drinking at the hotel.

Magazine Subscriptions
We get these and a few more.

My Household Pet Peeve
This is the toyroom. AKA The Wastelands. We so need to do something with this space.

View from the other corner.


Renee said...

YAY for SPF! I enjoyed yours!:-)

amanda said...

your toy room is amazingly clean, even if undone. toys all stacked away nicely on the shelves... did you do that BEFORE you took the picture?? ;-)

Random and Odd said...

What a huge huge huge space!!!!!

Peanutt said...

Wow, that toy room is really clean! LOL. I wish my kids would keep their spaces this clean! Most of their stuff ends up in the backroom with us!!!!

Book Bums said...

You should sign up for one of those design shows on HGTV to do your toy room...WAY fun!

Chickie said...

Thanks to all for the comments!

I didn't clean the room before the photo but we had been on vacation or out of the house for about the last 3 weeks.

The toyroom was where my neice stayed when she was here. Her bed was where the weights are on the floor. And when she was here the room continually looked like a disaster area cause her and LB would liked to build forts and tents back there.

After she left we went through and tossed out anything broken or that the boys didn't play with and this it what was left. I kinda push the stuff to the corners so I don't see it when I glance into the room from my living room.

The grand plan is to put some kind of second living room back there so the boys will have their own spot to watch movies and play their games.

I couldn't sign up for one of those shows. I'd be afraid of what they might find.