
Trying to be Quiet

Day One with the kiddos being back went well. They only asked me 94 times yesterday what we were going to do today. And this was after they'd been at home less than 4 hours. They had lots of questions yesterday and I fell back on a standard answer of "go ask your dad".

I guess their mom's trip to take them to the beach and scatter their stepdad's ashes didn't go as planned. BB said when they got there she told the boys that she couldn't stand the thought of leaving him (the ashes) and they would come back to the beach when they are on their winter break to do it then. How about either do it or don't but quit telling your 10 year old every thought that goes on in your head? Sweety has told her if she needs more time alone to grieve that the kiddos can stay here a little more but she didn't go for that. I think she likes toting around all four of her kids so everyone can see what she now has to handle alone.

Everyone (including the canines) is still asleep. Usually BB is up as soon as the sun comes up to watch the news. I love getting his version of current events.

I have been flirting with having a relationship with Diet Cherry Pepsi instead of regular Coke. So far so good. I can knock out a 2 liter bottle on my off days so I'm glad I finally found something with no calories in it. And using my math system: No calories in my drink = more calories somewhere else.

I don't know what I'm going to do to amuse the boys today. They could spend all day in front of the t.v. but I like to actually interact with them some. I did obligate myself to a game of Monopoly with LB. Oh joy. Have I mentioned that I hate that stinking game? I thought about carrying them to the dollar theater but then I'd have Sweety grouching at me about how much gas is and did I know I drove 50 miles roundtrip to go to a movie. He forgets that from where I grew up you drove 50 miles one way to see a movie. So again using my math system I am saving miles compared to what I'm used to.


Anonymous said...

The dollar theaters around her aren't much of a bargain. Tickets are cheaper but refreshments still cost an arm and a leg. And we always spend more on refreshments than we do for the matinee. Are there any full price theaters nearby? We also have a ton of DVDs. So we've always go one that we haven't seen to pop in.

Chickie said...

It's almost as far to a full price theater. And I have a big purse, so that helps me circumvent the snack prices. I resorted to that after the last time we went to the show and it ran around 50 bucks for everyone to get in and get snacks.