
Winding Down

Something that makes me want to rub Sweety's head off with a cheese grater:

If he makes a wisecrack about me taking a nap late in the day on my day off. Today around 6:15 p.m. I interrupted his online poker game to tell him I was going to take an hour nap. He said something about me napping so late in the day. So I reminded him that I'd gotten in bed at 4 a.m. and was up at 7 a.m. and I was tired. I'm sorry if he is martyr of the week and can force himself through the evening pooped but I can't. I figured while he and the kiddos were busy doing other things I'd take a nap and feel alert enough to visit with him after the kids went to sleep. We were feeling frisky at bedtime but had to curtail activities because his shoulder is hurting. That's what you get for picking on me. TAKE THAT! I bet he's having an unpleasant dream right now.

Tiny dog Oy lived through the spaying procedure. Yay! She's pretty much been asleep since we got her back this afternoon. She's been crying some in her sleep but I guess that's to be expected. She doesn't seem to hate me for dropping her off at the place that removed some of her guts. I'll be glad when she's back to her usual crackhead self in a few days.

The sprogs and I watched Kicking and Screaming today. Cute movie. It amused them and there wasn't any swearing in it other than the word hell. And it was 2 hours of time that they weren't bugging me with the eternal summertime question of "what do you have that we can dooooooo?"

Some days when the boys pick and fuss at each other like siblings do I tune it out and don't even hear it. I tell Sweety it's just white noise. Today was not a white noise day. When LB works it, he has one of the whiniest voices in the galaxy. I actually visualized myself pinching off his pouty little lips today and had to step back farther than my arm could reach. I know they are good and I love them but when I'm with no sleep it's not wise to push my buttons.

We (well Sweety) cooked dinner on our new kick butt grill tonight and it was fantabulous. We had pork shish-k-bobs with mushrooms and peppers and corn on the cob. I don't usually care for pork in any form other than bacon but this stuff was GOOD. There's one leftover k-bob in the icebox and I'm gonna go eat it cold. And I had a glass of this stuff with it. I tried some when I was in Oklahoma and couldn't believe how good it was. Taste's peachy. No alcohol kick to it. When I drank it with dinner tonight I had it in a plastic cup so the kids wouldn't be alerted to my imbibing and I must say, champagne in plastic tastes like what plastic smells like when it's on fire. Icky.

Our new neighbors are in the process of moving in. They hail from Kentucky not Oklahoma. There's a plate on their truck that says something along the lines of "I like the UK". I thought they were trying to convey that they were fans of the United Kingdom til I overheard Sweety telling BB they must be fans of University or Kentucky. Doh!

Another misconception I had til Sweety enlightened me. You know those muscled up guys you see that never have any body hair? For the longest time I thought that if a man was genetically predisposed to wanting to make his body look that way that he also had the gene that kept body hair from growing. I mentioned that to Sweety one night when we saw one on t.v. and he still hasn't let me live it down.

I'm gonna go eat some leftovers and then see if Sweety's shoulder is feeling any better than it did at his bedtime.


Anonymous said...

I've I had any pecs to flex, I'd shave all my chest hair off too. It's a lot easier to see muscle definition without the distraction of hair.

BTW, some guys shave the pubic hair to make their dicks look bigger. (Some just shave to make oral sex better.) I'm sure sometime in the future, no one will have hair anywhere except on their head.

Anonymous said...

rub Sweety's head off with a cheese grater:

That made me laugh out loud! I shave as I think it makes it a little nicer for HER to go down on me...

Chickie said...

mcb - I guess the shaving makes sense now that I think about it.

him - You are to be commended for making special efforts for HER that help in the going down process!