

Do you know how tired I am of seeing and smelling vomit? LB(9) puked his guts out after he went to bed last night. This is the fourth time he's been sick in the past 4 or 5 weeks. Last nights rerun was of spaghetti. It was easier to deal with than the regurgitated chicken and barbecue that we've had in the past.

And this morning Tiny dog puked. Last night, I gave them some cooked asparagus and a tiny piece of it spewed forth a little while ago. This stuff was less than an inch long but the odor made me gag from across the room. Oy seems well enough now. She even felt well enough to blog about some of her recent suffering in the household.

And I feel kind of rotten. Tired. I think it's getting used to the time change. Going back to bed for a bit.


Joey Polanski said...

Th stuff inside our guts is so NASTY, its a wondr we dont puke it up as a mattr of COURSE!

Anonymous said...

Give 'em salad. They'll still puke it back up, but it will look the same as it did before they ate it, and it won't smell as other foods they could be puking.

Chickie said...

Joey Polanski - Your wisdom amazes me. I wish I could make my innards pretty...

Mike - Puke doesn't suck - it blows.

Oh man, I slay me!

Anne Arkham - Maybe we will become vegetarians. The spaghetti actually looked good enough to eat again.

aWoman'sBlog said...

May I blogroll you? You're site is just what I'm looking for for my women's blog.

Chickie said...

Artemis - A spot on your blogroll would be just fine!