

On Thursday night, while he was at his mother's house, BB(11) fell off of a small stool/table thingy and smacked his head on the corner of the windowsill. A trip to the emergency room was in order. When they got there and Sweety found out that it was going to be durabonded (super glued) instead of stitched up he took him home and glued the injury up himself. It looks like a cigar was stubbed out on the outside corner of his right eye. He's lucky that the damn thing didn't get poked out.

The boys' last basketball game was this weekend. The schedule said the game was on Sunday so I traded shifts with someone and worked Saturday so I could go to the game. On Thursday night Sweety gets a call from the coach telling him the schedule was printed incorrectly and the game was on Saturday instead of Sunday. Helllloooo! We've all been using the schedule for 6 weeks now! Could someone have noticed this a wee bit sooner? So I missed the game on Saturday and of course they won. This was the second win of the season and the only stinking game that I missed. BB didn't get to play because we were afraid he'd get whacked in the head and his cigar burn would open back up.

After the game on Saturday they were told that they did have a game on Sunday but we didn't go because we'd made plans to go to a baseball game after we'd been told that there was no game on Sunday.

I'd never been to a real baseball game before and it was pretty neat. It was in a domed stadium so we weren't roasting in the sun. The teams were the Tampa Devil Rays and the Florida Marlins and they both sucked about equally. There were only 3 runs the entire game and not too many hits. I don't know much about baseball but I do know it's no fun to sit and watch a bunch of people not hit the ball. I think we have tickets to watch some other teams later on that might be more lively.

Tomorrow, BB graduates from the fifth grade. They have a little ceremony at the school and it's pretty much guaranteed that I will cry. The last time I ate lunch with him I got all teary eyed when I was driving away because I know I won't be dining with him once he gets to middle school. I am such a dork.

Tomorrow is also the day that I'm getting my eyes checked for the first time in two years. My eyeballs have been crying out for new contact lenses. I think barnacles are growing on the ones that I have in now.

I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and I can sleep in on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

A perfect game in baseball is one where nothing happens. It's just a bunch of fat guys standing around.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I've never been to a Pro Baseball Game...It sounds like that was not the best game ever!(lol) Poor BB...I hope his thingy heals quickly...And I hope you can sleep in, too, my dear.

Anonymous said...

If you'd stop putting out your cigars on the kid's head, you wouldn't have to keep making up these stories about him "falling" off the "stool" and "hitting his head."

Sorry you missed one of the games they actually won. At least they won, though! Go them!

Joey Polanski said...

I coont imagine enjoyin baseball if I dint get AT LEAST t first base!

The Phosgene Kid said...

I like going to the game and tossing crap out onto the field while they are trying to play. That almost makes up for the expensive beer.

Anonymous said...

Feelin' your pain, girl. My OLDEST will be a SENIOR in 3 days. My yougest will be a FIRST GRADER. I cry every time.

I love reading your blog. I truly truly do. You just make me smile.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - I did not realize that. I guess I saw a pretty good game then.

OOLOTH - I'm just totally grateful that the game was indoors! BB's head is looking much better. It looks like he'll be able to swim again soon so he is happy. You can bet that I'll be sleeping in tomorrow!

Bekah - I don't really put cigars out on his head...

I brand him with hot curling irons.

Even though BB didn't get to play, he was able to tell me about every play in the game so it was almost like I was there :)

Joey Polanski - Amen to that.

'Ber - I managed to not totally turn on the waterworks but it was a bit hard!

The Phosgene Kid - I thought about doing that but I didn't have anything to toss. I kept the drink cup because it was so expensive. Next time I'll take marbles to hurl.

Bonanza Jellybean - It seems like the older the kids get that the busier we are.

Bex - One of the ways I kept from crying today was by thinking about how horrible it will be for me when he's a senior! I was thinking "Hmmm. At least we're not shipping him off to college tomorrow!"

Thank you!!

Zube said...

My eyeballs are hating my old contacts, too. I MUST make an appointment.

And Best of luck to BB on his graduation. How cute. :-)

Chickie said...

Zube Girl - My eyeballs were very thankful to get the old icky contacts off!

The graduation was fun to watch. It was interesting to watch BB fidget around in his seat for 2 hours!

The Phosgene Kid said...

You could have had some fun and glued the kid's head to the table. I bet he'd've been surpirsed!!

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - That is still not out of the question.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to let us know how well super glue works. I heard/read about it but never know any one who had actually had it done.

I am glad you enjoyed the graduation. 8th (or 9th) grade is the next major milestone. Our youngest will be starting high School in the fall. It doesn't seem like that long ago that she was born.

Chickie said...

MCB - The superglue works pretty good. It's not the first time it's been used here. I think if you have an injury that would require just a couple of stitches that it's a good substitute.

It's funny how fast they grow!