
Master Costume Maker

Today was "dress up like what you wanna be when you grow up" day for kindergarteners. Sylvie wants to be a chef. I managed to find an apron at wallyworld this a.m. on my way home from work and made her chef's hat out of posterboard. The most important part for her was the big puffy part on top so I crisscrossed a couple of strips of posterboard on top of the hat for that. She loved it. I'm glad she's only 5 and couldn't see how odd my little paper hat turned out.

It looks like I may not work Saturday night and Sweety is going to be home. Yay! We may go eat steak. Haven't done that in awhile. I think I need some protein.

Sweety stuck one of his dirty shirts in the crate with Oy last night and she slept all night long. Or was at least peaceful enough to not cry wanting out. Right now she's trying to dig stinky dog's eyes out in a bid to get her to play. I think the novelty of having a playmate has worn thin for stinky dog. She's pretty much ignoring Oy now.

The exwife gave Sylvie a scooter that had belonged to her stepdaughters. I think since their dad died their mom doesn't want them to have anything to do with her. I'd just as soon she hadn't sent it over. She spent such a good amount of time being a total cunt to me that I really don't want anything from her. But I will do the right thing and thank her the next time I see her. If I play my cards right that might not be for another 7 years (when BB(10) graduates).

I managed to not completely blow day one of my diet. Hopefully day two will fare as well. I love slimfast and tuna kits. Enjoyed in fine restaurants everywhere...

The steak and mushrooms will be so tasty this weekend.

And no kiddo on Saturday night. Maybe we will have sex on our new countertops.

Great. I just found one teensy dog turd on my floor. It looks like she may have squeezed it out with spite. Maybe she was mad cause I'm not amusing her. Guess I'll go give my dogs some love before they implode.

1 comment:

Kalleigh Hathaway said...

Well you know, this past Monday was Steak and BJ day so if you didn't celebrate, you can do so this weekend! On the countertops or otherwise!