
I Feel Great!

How nice this is. With my earplugs in I was able to snooze right through the dog pooping all in her cage this morning. Wonderful. Sweety and Sylvie(5) dealt with it. I went and worked out after getting up and Sweety took Sylvie out to run errands with him. The boys are at their mom's this weekend. Life right now is good. And quiet :)

Sylvie's teacher complimented me on the chef's hat. I'm glad my efforts were noticed.

I read something in Woman's Day about how if you take something like Metamucil daily it will help you lose weight. I've been trying it with the Slim-Fast. Due to the laxative that is bloating my belly, I am not as hungry as usual.

When I went in for my annual exam the other day I found out that I've gained 24 freaking pounds since last year. Granted when I went in last year it was after a few months of eating diet pills and I was weak and skinny and seeing spots all the time. The Dr. asked me if the change in numbers bothered me. I told him I was working on it and then told him about the liposuction I had around Christmas and that I've been exercising. He thinks some of the weight gain is muscle and told me I looked great. Good. That made me feel a little better. When I stand still I'm okay with how I look. I'm just trying to firm everything up.

As a side effect of getting my hoo-ha checked I decided to throw away all my old favorite underwear. As I was busy trying to hide my panties under my clothes before the Dr. came in I realized that they were quite ratty. Then I realized I'd owned them for at least 6 years. They are some of my favorites though. They don't even make them anymore so they can't be replaced - that's why I've resisted trashing them. Instead of sticking them back in my drawer after laundry day I escorted them outside for a proper burial. May they rest in peace.

I found some that I really liked at Victoria's Secret a couple of years ago and bought all that I could but they aren't available anymore either. Maybe when they wear out I'll just stop wearing them. I hate buying underwear and then not being able to wear them cause they're uncomfortable.

Luckily Sylvie isn't exhibiting any signs of illness so it looks like Sweety and I will get to have our date tonight. I can't wait. I've missed being ALONE with him. I'm going to try and talk him into going to see The Ring 2. The first one freaked me out. I couldn't sleep for 2 days without seeing that girl lurching out of the t.v.

I better go pretty myself up.

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