
Whew. I Think I'll Make it Now

Had myself some dinner and some wine and a xanax. I feel calm now. Thank goodness. When I get aggravated I feel like there are bees in my stomach. I decided it was okay to have the wine because of my odd schedule this is really like dinnertime for me instead of breakfast :)

Sylvie's 6th birthday is on the 31st and I think we've finally hammered out what we'll do to celebrate. At first she wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. Which is somewhere I'd rather pull my fingernails out than go to. I think the place is the 6th circle of hell. So then she decided she'd rather go to the Orlando Science Center and this is A OK with me. I'd rather tote 6 kids there than to Chuck E Cheese. And it's educational. And best of all it will be free. One of the perks to my job is I can get a family pass for free. Yay. Free is good. Especially since I'm so broke right now that I've taken my fake nails off instead of getting them done.

Sweety said he can tell when my fundage is running short because my hands look like little monkey hands. Without the nails they look naked. I have rather small hands and feet to be so tall. I'm almost 5'9" and my shoes are sevens and my ring finger is a 5. BB's(10) hands are bigger than mine. LB's(8) are the same size. Those two are gonna be bears!

My stinky dog has forsaken me. She's snoozing on Sylvie's bed and doesn't want to join me. Geez, I actually feel rejected.

Now that my beacon of loathing is smoldering rather than burning I should be able to go to sleep.

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