
Not a Happy Camper

I was over at Dick's site and found out that his Grandma passed away. I feel for him. I'm still forgetting sometimes that my Grandma died a few weeks ago. I almost called her on the phone on my way to work the other day. I haven't erased her phone number from my cell phone yet, I don't know why.

Bagh. I'm freaking crying again! I think I must have some serious pms going on cause I've been bawling at the drop of a hat.

Sweety got a call from the stupid ass EW last night. She was crying and told him BB was upset because she was giving his dog away and she couldn't calm him down so she was calling Sweety so he could. Thanks a lot you stupid bint. Fuck up your kid and then call Sweety at 9:30 p.m. and want him to make the kid feel okay about it.

BB got a rottewieler almost 2 years ago, I think. During that time the dog hasn't been properly trained. (He told me once that they told him to kick it to make it mind. I cringed and almost started to cry and explained to him why that was a bad idea but he told me if I had a dog that acted as bad as his I'd need to kick it too. I found out this was their method of discipline when I saw him do a fake drawback on stinky dog and I almost chopped his foot off. Is there any question why I think his mother is a fucktard?!) It now weighs probably over 100 lbs and got loose yesterday and chased a kid on a bicycle. I had a feeling that this dog would be going soon after EW boinged out her latest child. The last dog had to go because it was too much to have it in the house with a new baby. BB loves dogs. This will be the third dog he's had at his mother's that has been given away.

BB told Sweety last night that every time one of his dogs went away a little piece of him went with it. I fucking hate her. It just pisses me off that they even got him that kind of dog to begin with. You don't get a kid an attack dog (especially if you're not going to train it right) and then give it away once he's attached to it because you don't want to take the effort to learn how to train it.

I swear, if karma would do me the service of smiting her I would spend the rest of my life taking homeless people sandwiches on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hell, I'll take the homeless people tea to drink and pie for dessert also.


Anonymous said...

Never been called a "can" before and I've been called many things. Maybe it's a Florida thing. We are all Americans anyways. Strangely, even though I'm almost 42 years old, I don't like to be called names. Not so much because of the name, but because I'd like to believe that people that say things like that are a dying breed and I hate to be reminded that they are still walking this earth.

I don't curse around my children and always say something to there people when they do. That's one thing that will eliminate a move from consideration for them.

Chickie said...

I'm thinking of going to pee in their pool when they go on vacation. Or maybe toss a dead squirrel in.