
Thanks, Neighbor

We're sitting outside after dinner and our neighbor comes over. (The one who likes to have all of his Christmas lights pointing in the same direction, manicured his lawn during the hurricanes, has conniptions if our lawn isn't mowed to his satisfaction and slept with the last 2 wives that lived here. Oh yeah, and he's a minister or something.) The house across the street is for sale and some black people came by and seemed to be looking at the sign. Neighbor looks at the boys and tells them that our neighborhood is getting overrun with "cans". That "cans" are everywhere. I'm thinking "what the hell is he talking about?". Then he elaborates "afri-CANS" "puertori-CANS" "mexi-CANS". Thanks a lot you bigoted motherfucker. Thanks. I guess he didn't notice when one of my best friends from TX came down that she had a black man with her and two little brown children. I was just too shocked to say anything. Then he drops the f-word in front of the boys. Now I know they've heard the word in movies but it is something that we refrain from using in every day conversation. I wonder how he'd like it if when his daughters were over here he found out that I was cussing like a sailor. I told Sweety he needs to ask him to please censor his talk when he's in front of the boys. Jackass.

And then I saw something on the news about these teenagers that beat a homeless man to death because they were bored. They didn't just do it all at once. Noooooo. They went and beat him 3 times til he died. I think some people are just born bad and can't be rehabilitated.

On a happier note...I managed to get about half of my house clean. Yay! And the canines washed as well. I've already made a deal with the boys, tomorrow we're going to the first showing of the movie Madagascar at around 10 a.m. and when we get home they're gonna leave me alone so I can get the rest of the house clean.

I am going to snoop around online and see if I can find stinky dog a
snood. After she was bathed we took a walk and her ears got all gross on the asphalt cause they drag the ground. I tried to tie them up with a ponytail holder but she wasn't crazy about it. I think it was squeezing her ears too tight. So I'm gonna try to find something that will work and won't bother her.

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