
What a Lovely Weekend

After dropping Sylvie off at the sitter's we went out to eat. And I tried something new. Grouper. I loved it. I'd never eaten fish in a restaurant before unless it was fast food. And we had dessert, chocolate mint crepe. Freaking yummy. Then we went to see Ring 2. It was okay - popcorn for the brain. Then we came home and watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and had some kick ass sex. Didn't attack on the counter tops. It was too cold. Sweety let me sleep in on Sunday when he went to get Sylvie. He is great. Life is good.

Speaking of kick ass sex...

I can't believe that I never liked receiving oral sex til I met Sweety. He is gooood! I was married before for 5 years and whenever that was going on I was always ticking off my to do list for the next day or picking at a hangnail. I just thought it was something rather boring. Thank you Sweety for a new perspective on this wonderful sport.

I was going to sign up for overtime this Wednesday but just can't bring myself to do it. I like what tiny bit of alone time that I have too much. Maybe next month I will to give me some extra money before Sweety's birthday. I still don't know what the hell to get him. I know he wants a fish tank but stinky dog's teeth need to be cleaned. I don't know who will win. Probably the dog. He's a watch whore but I don't know of any new watches that are out that he'd like. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll point one out between now and then. Must get him to the mall so I can watch him window shop.

It amazes me how people can let their workstations look like deranged cookie elves have been living at them. I had to clean off the pod I was sitting at last night cause it was so yucky. I even cleaned the coffee rings off the desk next to me so I wouldn't have to look at them. And picked all the unidentifiable crunchies off the floor so I wouldn't be stepping in them all night. People are gross.

My bed is lonely. I better go keep it company before it runs away from home.

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