
Really Getting a Dog!

Getting a Dog! Woo Hooooo! Hey, hey! (insert Sweety's interesting booty dance here)

She is a short haired, chocolate female and will weigh around 4 lbs. I'm going to meet her tomorrow and if all goes well will be bringing her home. She is my early birthday present from Sweety. I can't wait.

I'm going to try and think of an adequate way to express my thanks to Sweety. Maybe we will celebrate Wednesday in a hanging from the ceiling fan kinda way.

I hope Tasha likes her new sister. I've been trying to pay her lots of attention and will continue that so maybe she won't get too jealous. When we had our other dog she didn't seem to mind too much. Stinky dog is kind of like having a large, hairy pet rock. She's usually asleep 99% of the time. The only time she gets excited is when I come home and then the acrobatic show she puts on to welcome me wears her out so she goes back to sleep pretty quickly.

I think I'll go tidy up so Oy Lenore will get to see her new home without getting lost in any rubble that's laying around.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Just got a new precious puppy myself. They are such a joy, when they arent't chewing on everything!

Thanks for you comment on my blog.