
An Elaboration on the Previous Egg Post

The only other food I despise as much as (or maybe more so) than eggs is tomatoes. I don't like the way they smell or if you're eating one with the skin on the way it pops in your mouth.

A few years ago Sweety and I went to visit his Dad and Stepmom. She happens to be a great cook. For dinner we had salads that she had already divvied up into individual bowls and guess what they were chock full of? Cherry freaking tomatoes! And Sweety, being the kind hearted person that he is, made a big deal of putting his tomatoes on my plate cause he knew I would eat them. The way I was raised was if you were at someone's house and they put something in front of you, you damn well better eat it out of politeness. Do you know how hard it is to swallow a cherry tomato whole? I'm lucky that I didn't choke to death.

And then for breakfast guess what was warming in the oven on our own little plates? Soft scrambled or fried eggs on top of hash browns with cheese on them. I managed to gag down about 75% of it before Sweety took pity on me and ate the rest. I kid you not, I was literally gagging that stuff down. I tried to just pick out the potatoes and cheese but they were tainted with the egg residue.

After that we told her about my aversion to tomatoes and eggs. Later for dinner I think it was a nice generic pasta dish.

Another food that's hard for me is grapes. It's the whole popping sound in the mouth when you chew one that grosses me out. Makes me think that's what it would sound like to eat an eyeball. I can eat them if they are cut in half. Grapes, not eyeballs.


Anonymous said...

Too funny about TOMATOES. I'm the SAME way. Ewwww...

And I hate corn bread, but if it's around a corn DOG, I love it. Weird.

And both BD and I were raised the same as you..if it's on your plate, you eat it..no matter what. That was MEAN of Sweety to do that to you! LOL

Oh, you have to go read "love and marriage"...the new link on my blogroll. They crack me UP!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Correction: it's called Zubegirl...here's the link


Chickie said...

How can you not like cornbread? I gained 50 pounds one winter on a diet of cornbread (hot or cold) with butter and tabasco sauce on top chased with a big glass of sweet tea. Maybe if you tried it like that you'd enjoy it.

Thanks for the links! I'm needing to find new blogs to read since some of my others petered out.

Anonymous said...

I was raised that way too but I would have been VERY unhappy if I got extra stuff.

Eggs are a common food you could have pretended to be allergic to them.

Anonymous said...

You have been tagged on my site, girl!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I am the same way with both tomatoes and grapes!

One dinner last summer, my friend had put cherry tomatoes in her salad, and dished out a big bunch of them to me. I had to literally throw them, one by one, back into the big serving bowl when her head was turned. I can't believe I didn't get caught.

Chickie said...

anne arkham - My friends know my aversions and are careful to not even offer eggs or tomatoes or grapes to me.