
How Petty Am I?

 Ya'll remember Lintball?  Mom's husband who was a nightmare to deal with after she died?  He loves his football team, the Kansas City Chiefs.  And I imagine he's glued to the television whenever they are playing.  I still have his phone number.  Part of me wants to call him repeatedly during games just to interrupt him.  I know he always has his phone on as his ass as he even left it on during Mom's funeral service and it rang during it.  Mom has been gone over 10 years and I'm still holding a grudge.  I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of it.

I'm making a presentation to Bean's class tomorrow.  They were having a lesson at school and ancestry came up.  The teacher asked Bean if I could come talk to the class about my family from Korea.  Hopefully, the social anxiety won't kill me.  I went and got some Korean food for the class to try.  Bean is worried for me - "Mom, what are you going to talk about?  You don't have to do this!  Wait, you're bringing food?  It'll all be okay.  Everyone loves snacks." I don't really know what I'm going to talk about. I think I'll just wing it.


Happy New Year!

 About Sweety.  I was wrong about him not being able to keep his CDL.  He is able to keep it and continue driving.  He's having weird symptoms that his doctors/specialists say are not at all related to the aneurysm but they can't tell him why he's having them.  The aneurysm is 1/2 a centimeter too small to operate on so we will just continue to monitor it and I will continue to worry about it popping.  Fun times.

I took my second shower in as many days yesterday.  This may be normal for you but for my depressed ass it is a big accomplishment.  My New Year's resolution was to shower at least once every 3 days so I'm winning.  I'm also making it a point to keep my face clean and it's cleared up very nicely.  Go me.

Turns out when I said menopause was over for me, I was wrong.  I've bled like a stuck pig more days than not this month.  I was just too smugly happy with my period-free self.  Got back on birth control because the last thing I need is a change baby. 

The Bean wanted to wax her legs the other day.  I offered to do it for her but she wanted to do it herself.  She got the fronts of her legs done but couldn't handle the pain of doing the backs of her legs.  She wanted to get in the shower and shave the rest but I wouldn't let her because she'd broken out in little hives from the waxing.  I was afraid she'd shave over a waxed area and hurt herself.  She started to cry and have a meltdown because now her legs weren't "even".  Kid, I know how you feel.  She was able to shave the next night and all was rebalanced in the universe.