
I'm Mean Spirited and I Don't Care

Guess who's air conditioner is broken in her house? The exwife's. Ha! I hope her 8 month pregnant belly gets heat rash all over it. Can a heat rash blister? I hope so. It's kind of ironic that her a/c is out and her late husband was an a/c installer. Maybe it's his way of saying hi from the afterlife.

We dropped the boys off there this morning. LB(8) was getting out of the car and pointed towards the front of the house and told me to look. I thought he was showing me their rottweiler so I said "oh wow, she is big" He was getting out of the car when I said it and he opened the door back up to tell me "not our dog. our new truck" And I thought "I hope you roast this weekend". This goes back to me getting rid of my truck to trade in on a people mover that can hold 8 bodies. The boys know how traumatic it was for me to tell my truck goodbye.

I wrote this post when I found out she was trading her van in for a black truck. I guess if you're gonna be stepping out soon to look for a new man you don't want it to be obvious when you roll up that you have 4 kids.

My sister has landed a new man. He's in the military, about 10 years older than her, and sounds to be really nice. I think she will use him all up soon. They are planning on marrying after Sylvie gets back. He just bought a new house (that she helped pick out and furnish) and she is planning on letting her car get repossessed because he has a new car that is paid for and is putting it in her name. This is a guy who wanted to date her awhile back but she wasn't interested. She had said she wasn't attracted to him. She hasn't said that she loves him but that she knows that she'll never find anyone who will treat her so well. When he asked her what kind of engagement ring she wanted she told him at least 2 carets. Holy fucking shit. I asked her if she didn't feel a tiny bit greedy even having the words come out of her mouth. Wait a sec, I take that back, he didn't ask her what kind of ring she wanted. She told him she wouldn't get married unless she had at least a 2 caret ring. She is a user of people and she doesn't realize it. She thinks it's okay to just take and take and take from people and then she gets all upset when it ends (which usually coincides with the funds running out). She was planning on having him come up here with her when she picks up Sylvie(6). I managed to get her to understand that maybe her daughter would like to spend some time alone with her instead of being thrust into a new situation with this man that she hasn't even met. She is such a selfish fucking moron who doesn't think past her own nose. She called Sylvie's dad (who hasn't contacted her in 4 years) to see if he'd let this guy adopt Sylvie. Of course, he said no. She was surprised at this. She thought he'd be happy to no have to pay child support and it wasn't like he had anything to do with her anyway. I wanted to ask her if it would be okay for Sweety and I to adopt her because, hey, it's worked well for the last 5 months. Idiot. I'm gonna quit thinking about my sister. I'm getting annoyed.

We got the kite in the air today. Hip, hip, hooray! Sweety stopped in a field on the way home from the mall and all we had to do was put the kite down outside and it took off in the air. There was none of that running around fast with the kite above my head nonsense. Sylvie had fun. I did too.

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