
A Thought

I realized that for the money I spent having maybe 2 pounds of fat sucked out of my body I could've hired a personal trainer to come make me kick my own ass every day for the last 4 months.

But that wouldn't have been nearly as instantly gratifying.

I think I'm seeing improvement though. I'm using heavier weights than when I started so I must be getting some muscle. And I'm coming to grips with the fact that I'm never gonna be a skinny minnie again like I was this time last year. I guess I'd rather be a non-jiggly 140 or 150 than an emaciated 135. And it is neat being able to do the reverse cowgirl squat position during sex instead of being to out of shape to do any tricks.

Now I need to get the balls up to throw away those jeans that taunt me. The ones that I can't pull past my thighs now. Maybe I'll hang onto them for another couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

135. 140. 150. It doesn't matter. What makes a woman hot is attitide.

I glad I came accross your blog.

Married In Ohio

Chickie said...

I've finally figured out that the number doesn't matter. I'm just going to try and exercise and be happy with however my body turns out.

It's nice to have you here!