
I Think It's Okay

I almost bought one of those plastic ball things that you put a hamster in to let it run around the house for tiny dog Oy. It was jumbo sized and for ferrets. She's about ferret sized. But Sweety was with me and he seemed to be rather disapproving of the whole idea so I'll have to go back and get it later and just use it when he's not around. I mean, I'm not gonna just put her in the ball all the damn time but it might be handy if I'm wandering around the house and I want to be sure she's not gonna sneak off somewhere and take a poop.

We let my sister watch the sprogs this evening while we went out to eat and to the mall. We picked up cards and gift certificates to Chili's for the kids' teachers. While we were at the mall we went to the jewelry store. I love shiny stuff. I got all sweaty trying on rings. My sister was all bent out of shape because she didn't get the freaking 2 carat diamond that she wanted so I had the idea of temporarily upgrading my ring to something like that while she was here and then taking it back after she left. Sweety thought it was a rather sick idea. And the jewelry store only went up to a 1.63 carat. I've got a psycho bitchy streak a mile wide. Sis's marriage seems to be heading south by the second. Surprise surprise. I just really hate it that Sylvie's already been told that she has a stepdad waiting at home.

The stinking vegitales theme song has been in my head for about the last 6 hours. I keep hearing the little vegetable voice saying 'liiiiimaaa beeeeeans'.

I have an appointment with the boobie doctor on June 1 to see about getting these things lifted and reduced a bit. If I get me some nice C's going on, I'm fixing to buy about a thousand of those little summery tops that have spaghetti straps. And when the scars fade I will learn to pick up a dollar bill with my coochie and start my new career.

I hope almonds aren't poisonous to dogs. I just let tiny dog have her second one.

I was remembering one of my favorite jobs today. The summer after I got out of high school I worked at the library. A bonus was getting to read new books before they hit the shelves. I used to sneak around the library and pretend I was a spy while putting the books away. Accomplishing my mission meant I had put all the books up without being spotted by any of the library patrons. I don't pretend I'm a spy anymore but sometimes I'll throw a quick karate move to the back of stinky dog when she's not looking. Or behind Sweety's or the sprog's back when they have displeased me. If they only knew what a karate/ninja master I was in my own mind, they would fear me more.

Sweety and I went and looked at cars while we were out and about tonight. Specifically the Honda Ridgeline and the S2000. Sweety wants to get a Ridgline when our lease is up and I'm saying over my cold dead body. I think it is the ugliest automobile EVER. It looks just like a Honda Pilot but like the car maker forgot to put the lid on the back of it. When we traded my truck in on this fucking Pilot that holds 9 people that is currently residing in the garage he said that I'd get to pick the car after that. And I choose the S200. Or the Nissan 350Z thing. I'm starting to like the little jellybean looking cars. I used to be a truck girl but I think that era is over. I will leave scratch marks by the mailbox every time I leave the house in the next thing I drive. Or maybe I'll just get a nice bicycle and quit my job and stay at home. I am an extremist.


Anonymous said...

2-carets is a big rock. The dude better have a real good job or it's just a bad joke on your sister.

I vote for the S2000. We want to get a roadster but there not very practical. We can't put the kids in the trunk and. Except for the summer, we spend more time taking the kids on their activities than we do going places by ourselves.

Good luck with your boobs. I am sooo glad I don't have problems like that.

Anonymous said...

You are so GD entertaining.


Chickie said...

mcb - he does have a good job but i think she's being greedy as hell. he has been kind enough to pay off a bunch of hot checks for her, buys her shit all the time, has went out of his way to make a nice spot for sylvie in their home and all i've heard her bitch about the last 3 days is how her diamond is too small. agh.

as far as the car goes, we have a car that can be a family car. i'm wanting something for me when the suv goes. gee, maybe i see where my sister's greedy streak is...

imapuma - it pleases me to amuse you. i have a quick question, if you don't mind - is your name "i'm a puma" like you like big cats?