

Oh my fucking goodness. My sonavabithchin sweety is snorin like a motherfuckin freight train on FIRE! I kid you not. I just logged back on to make sure I didn't send any messages to anyone that may seem in appropriate.. I don't think I did.

But if I did. I am a horribly sorry for the inconvenience.


Anonymous said...

Does he always snore? hve him get a CPAP. Works for me. No one could be in the same HOUSE when I slept before I had it. Bonus! You sleep more soundly, too.


Chickie said...

He doesn't always snore. But he does do this deep sucking breathing thing a lot. It doesn't wake me up but if I wake up and am trying to go back to sleep it pisses me off to hear it cause I feel like he is mocking my insomnia.