
Half Empty Glasses

I am such a freaking worrywart. I don't think I ever see the positive in something. My theory has always been expect the worst and then if it doesn't happen, "yay for me!"

My sister hasn't been answering her phone for almost a week now. I tried to leave a message for her and Sylvie today but it said her voicemail was full. This either means that she's just being a lazy ass and her phone battery is dead and she's lost the charger or something happened and her new husband is insane and he has stuffed her and Sylvie's bodies into a trunk somewhere. And I haven't been able to get ahold of my Mom on the phone for a few days. So I've decided maybe sis's new husband took out my Mom and Stepdad too. Of course, when I do finally talk to them I won't tell them the thoughts that have been gnawing at me.

Tiny dog's vet visit went okay. It ended up costing almost $100 instead of $29 but she's being started on flea stuff and heartworm meds and I got her city rabies tag. I don't feel like I was gouged by the vet's office. She now weighs 3.06 pounds. She's turning into a real big one, eh? Tiny dog is officially not going on vacation with us. I'm going to take the money it would've cost to get her ticket and pay Sweety's sister to babysit her and stinky dog. His sister has a bassett hound and a chihuahua too. I may put tiny and stinky in diapers to help prevent a gang rape in case the other dogs corner them.

Took my FMLA form to my doctor to fill out. The nurse was telling me that insurance probably wouldn't cover it so I told her again in very slow english that I wasn't planning on it paying for it. They now know I'm just filing the FMLA form basically because I was told to.

Sweety cancelled having someone come out to see about putting a pool in. I think instead we'll get an aboveground pool that we can put up and down in the summer. The plan now is to take this extra money and pay off his car, fix my boobs, pay off all credit cards and while I'm working I'm gonna have my check deposited into his account so maybe we can accumulate some more things around here. And with his car paid off I would have the option of quitting my job without us only getting to eat every other day. I think once my credit card is paid off I'm going to dice it up and bake it in a cake. Then I'm going to eat it. As punishment.

We're going to Tampa for a couple of days tomorrow. Sweety has to do some job related stuff there and me and the boys and tiny dog will hang out at the hotel and float around in their pool. We'd talked about going to a theme park but I really don't wanna. To effing hot. I told Sweety I'll pack some board games and cards and the boys' video game and we'll just mosey around the hotel. I bet I play enough Monopoly to make my eyes bleed. Maybe I will "accidentally" forget to bring it...


Anonymous said...

Pools are great fun. Just make sure you get enough gadgets so that you don't have to do too much with them. Other than keeping chlorine in the feeder, about the only thing we have to do with ours is turn stuff on and come back later. Everyone said it would be a lot of work but it's really been pretty easy.

Chickie said...

If I have anything that needs upkeep it has to be pretty much self maintaining or else I will manage to screw it up!