
It's Rainy, Yay!

Do you know what this means? I don't have to go to some freaking car race. Woo hoo! Instead I will be cooped up with three males and 2 dogs and will listen to everyone build up to a cabin-feverish outburst.

LB has a knot the size of an egg on his head. Him and BB were goofing around and I think he whacked up against the couch or coffee table.

The Team America movie was all I had hoped for and then some. It got pretty good after we'd had a couple of drinks. I think alcohol is needed to make it all the way through the movie. We rewound it to watch the puppet sex scene twice. And the part where the North Korean president sings "I'm So Ronery (Lonely)" was viewed 3 or 4 times. Doesn't take a lot to amuse us on a Friday night.

I managed to pick my fake nails off this morning and get some new ones installed. And the nail tech didn't injure me or glue my fingers together. I must be lucky today. After getting my nails done I had my eyebrows done by a professional. They're kinda skinny now but at least they look groomed. I can keep 'em neat but I'm no good at shaping them.

We just had some kick ass cheeseburgers and fries for dinner. They are frozen patties but they are awesome. And the best part is there are 2 still in the freezer so me and Sweety can gorge later after the sprogs are nestled in their beds. They should taste even better with beer and a mixed drink.

Sweety cleaned the icebox today. He is so brave. It went through 3 power outage hurricanes last year and this is the first cleansing it's had. I hate to clean the refrigerator out and it had finally gotten bad enough that we couldn't take it anymore. I told him I was gonna do it on my day off but he did it when I went to run errands. We found something clinging to the bottom of one of the shelves. With my cursory first inspection I thought it was some type of alien pod and was trying to decide where to put it while I waited for it to hatch. Then we realized it was a mummified, shrunken squash.

I think I may go take a nap so I'll have some energy to smack Sweety around later.

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