
Vacation Starts Tomorrow! Neener neener!

I can't wait. After I get up from my nappy-poo I'll start packing. I got a kick ass carryon suitcase last night. We decided everyone will just have one carryon so we don't have to go through the crap of checking in at the airport. And the best part is, the bag is PINK as hell. I thought "am I not gonna like this later?" But decided fuck it. Pink's been my favorite color for about the last 7 years and I don't think I'll change my mind on that anytime soon. Plus, it'll be easy to spot in the overhead bin. I am almost excited to start packing so I can use it. Maybe I'll go stick tiny dog in it just for a test run.

I spraypainted on another tan a few minutes ago. Hopefully the results will be even. Even though it says you don't have to rub it in I did to make sure there's no streaks. When you're sleep deprived and painting your own body, you can never be to careful.

Man, I'll be glad when payday gets here. The end of the month is a long effing time away.



Anonymous said...

ITA about payday. Being teacher, we get paid once a month. It is SO FREAKIN' LONG between paychecks.

Ok...I missed something in my hiatus...where are you going and for how long? I'll hold down the fort for ya! LOL

Have fun!

Chickie said...

sk - I'm going to Oklahoma from June 23 to July 4. I'll get to lay on my Mom's couch and eat fried squash til I pop. I'm taking stretchy clothes.

qop - At first I thought it was too loud but decided, ah well, who cares? Got it at Target for like 18 bucks and it has a carry on, duffel bag and toiletry bag. All screaming ass hot pink. I can't wait to wheel it around.

Anonymous said...

I get paid every two weeks and it's still long between paychecks.

Enjoy your vacation. We will miss you while you are gone.