

Well SK got me. Lemme get my memory warmed up...

What was I doing 10 years ago: Getting ready to turn 19. Just barely 1 year into my train wreck of a first marriage.

5 years ago: Filing for divorce.

1 year ago: Sitting around in Florida with Sweety having our 3rd anniversary.

Yesterday: Sleeping off, sweating out a hellacious hangover that I earned celebrating our 4th anniversary.

5 Snacks I enjoy: Twinkies, Coke in a can, Entenmann's Raspberry Danish, chocolate pudding, raw avocados sprinkled with salt and pepper or on french bread sprinkled with vinegar.

5 songs I know all the words to: Anything by George Strait pre-2001, Butterfly (Crazy Town), Angel (Shaggy's version), Never Been to Spain (Three Dog Night), Fishing in the Dark (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band)

5 Things I would do with a $100 million: Pay off bills, pay for this house, buy children from EW and move the hell outta FL, Buy my Mom a house and a car, go on a trip to Korea.

5 Locations I would like to run away to: Oklahoma, Texas, an island alone with Sweety, New Orleans, a hotel room anywhere alone with the blinds shut and the thermostat on 67 degrees.

5 Bad habits I have: Nail biting, horrid eating habits, procrastinating, the skin picking thing (which is getting better, btw), spending money

5 Things I like doing: Reading, flitting about the internet, sleeping, sex, walking around the mall

5 Things I would never wear: Anything with ruffles or yellow. That's about it. I'll try anything twice.

5 TV shows I like: Desperate Housewives, Entourage, Bullshit, King of the Hill, almost any kind of "reality" show.

5 Biggest joys of the moment: Seeing how as the boys get older they are starting to "get" more things and watching BB's sense of humor cultivate, stinky dog, tiny dog, any alone time with Sweety, any alone time with myself.

5 Favorite toys: The computer (also known affectionately as Raoul), digital camera, Sweety's naked self, my purple thing, tiny dog's toy that looks like a fuzzy dildo (she loves it when i beat her with it)

5 next victims: Him, Middle-Aged Man, Queen of Pink, Kristine, and last but not least, Bekah.


Anonymous said...

very cute! thanks for sharing yours!

New Girl said...

I LOVE George Strait!

I didn't picture you as a country music gal. . .that's way cool.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tag! i just posted mine. have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

I like all your answers except to the first question. I was 19 a LOT longer than 20 years ago. I'd kill to be 19 again.

Chickie said...

sk - Thanks for the tag! It made me done some thinking way early.

bad girl - Oh yeah. I did the whole cowgirl bit (boots, rocky mtn jeans, little western tops) on the weekends for awhile. I like music where I can understand the words and with country music you can usually do that.

mam - Thanks for playing!

mcb - Maybe in 10 years I'd kill to be 19 again. Not now though. That time was too crummy and too recent for me now!