

I am quickly turning into a middle aged, round, high blood pressure having, Korean mother. I can watch myself in the mirror and see my body turning into my Mom's. All I need now is a perm and some reading glasses.

I didn't go to work today. I couldn't stop crying in the parking lot so I went to my doctor's instead. There it was noted that my blood pressure was at 170/110 which is high, I guess. It's been above normal every time I've had it taken but this is the highest ever. And I've gained 7 pounds since March. So I've been given strict instructions to cut back on the caffeine and never eat pork again and to start taking some type of medication for the bp. I go back in a week to see if it's going down. I am also getting to have some neat little round of tests done to see if my kidneys are damaged because the increase in blood pressure was pretty high for such a short amount of time. Goody goody. I am reaping the benefits of abusing my body for the last 15 years. Too bad Sweety doesn't have more life insurance on me.

My doctor also upped the Paxil while I was there. I know it freaks Sweety out for me to take medication but for about the last week I have felt all squirrelly on the inside like I did before I started taking anything. It just all came to a head today. When the doc told me he was upping it I questioned whether or not that was a lot of medicine. He noted my chewed to the bloody nub fingers and my twitching and the high bp and told me that if anyone needed something to calm them down, it was me.

I just got off the phone with my Mom. It was nice to talk to her. Yesterday was her birthday and she got my present today. I sent her a ceramic travel coffee mug. She seemed pleased. She's a CNA and has been having a problem finding the kind of pants for her nursing uniforms that she likes so I'm gonna try and track down some of those for her. I shared some odd little physical things that have been happening to me that I didn't tell my doctor about and she thinks it's a good thing I went to the doctor today cause I may have been headed to Stroke or Heart Attack City. My Mom's always had high blood pressure and both of my grandfather's had strokes. Mom's Dad had his while he was fairly young I think.

Tiny dog witnessed me puking my guts out today. She has always been very interested in mouths. I think because she sees food go in them; she figures there must be a way out for that food or she must be able to find a way in to it. When I was hurling I felt her little nose on my leg and thought that she was there to comfort me. Was I mistaken. She was more interested in the stuff flying out of my mouth and trying to find the best way to position herself so she could maybe catch some. Her suspicions of the food coming out of that hole have been confirmed. I expect her to try and eat my head the next time I'm asleep. I'm glad her teeth are small.

The roaring headache that I've had for about the last 12 hours is finally subsiding. I think the weather here draws my sinuses out through my eye sockets.


Anonymous said...


Chickie said...

anne arkham - Thank you, dear. I needed a mental pat.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you. It's always no fun going to doctors and having them freak out and order up a bunch of tests. They've got some good meds these days so I'm sure that they will fix you up just fine. Take care of yourself.

Chickie said...

mcb - It weirds me out to need to take stuff in order for my person to work the way it should. I'm going to start being kinder to my body.
Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

I run 45-50 miles a week, don't smoke, and drink only in moderation but I still have to take some pills. But it sure beats dropping dead at an early age like so many members of my family on my mother's side.

Chickie said...

mcb - I do suppose that taking the pills is better than the alternative.

Chickie said...

txsm - Thank you! It just bugs me being told that I HAVE to take something to keep my body in whack. But I am feeling much better so it all must be working.