
I'm Bored.

The boys are out of school for winter break so I've spent today amusing them. They went with me to tie up some Christmas shopping and then we met Sweety for lunch. We ate at some Greek cafe. Spinach pie - mmm, mmm good!

On a scale of 1 to 10, the sprogs have hit about a 13 today. I don't like lies. Even little lies. Even when you know that I know you're lying lies. If you see me seeing you pull a little knob off the thermostat in my car and I say "did you just pull that off?" and you say "no" while holding the loose knob in your hand it makes me want to pull the car over to the side of the road and make you get out and put your nose on the bumper for 10 minutes. Not that I will ever be brave enough to dole out that punishment but I did give it a second thought. Instead he got the death-ray stare and a warning to NEVER EVER lie to me about anything ever again. Because I will have no mercy if he does.

It's so nice to have Sweety home. The welcome home sex about made up for him being gone.

I can kiss any idea of a nifty palmOne Treo 650, goodbye. Sweety has looked into it and the cell phone bill would be almost as much as what we pay for both of our phones now. Rats. But I am holding out hope for a laptop. If I don't get one for Christmas I'll put it on my New Year's resolution list.

I just had a banana milkshake and it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. I didn't know I could burp so much. I'd rather burp banana than Mxican food though.

What does it mean when your nipples itch? Mine have been driving me batty for the past 2 days. Maybe I need more lotion. I know itchy palms means you'll get money soon but I'm not sure what itchy nipples are a sign of. Probably scabies.

Stinky dog is in dire need of a bath. Her stinkiness has reached eye melting levels. Tiny dog smells just like her. Two peas in a rotten pod.

The clutter is calling to me and I better go run a bubble bath (fortified with bleach) for Stinky and Tiny.


Anonymous said...

Itchy nipples mean that you need to put lotion on them because the skin is drying out.

And bleaching dogs really isn't safe. It's much better (and more fun!) to burn their hair off with a blow torch.

Chickie said...

Note to self: Lotion boobs up good tonight. Check.

I can't blowtorch the dogs. I'm too afraid of fire. I think the washing machine is big enough for Stinky. I'll put Tiny in the dishwasher.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

You are too funny Chickie! I love coming and visiting you because you always give me a laugh and and/or a smile or two, at the very least...

Have you considered blowing the dirt off of your Doggies with a Leaf Blower....No messy water to deal with or that EXTREMELY dangerous bleach everyone is warning you about...

Good luck with your itchy nipples!

BO Snagley said...

good luck with the scabies.

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - Stinky dog Tasha would have a heart attack if I pointed a leaf blower at her. I have thought of putting her in a cage and then washing her at the car wash though.

Bo Snagley - Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Whatever the itchy nipple thing is, it's rampant here, too. And for some reason, the shower seems to amplify the itch. I guess I need to try lotion. I rarely use lotion other than on my hands and legs, but I guess it's worth a try.

My dogs need baths, too. They don't stink, they aren't greasy or anything, it's just been a long time since they've been bathed. Hm. Think I can get away with waiting another month, until we're settled?

Anonymous said...

I've heard that about Bassetts. I wonder why that is? I'm glad my little ones don't get overly greasy. I used to have one that was part oil spill, because rubbing her down (petting in a back-and-forth motion) was like rubbing your hands on a nasty, dirty garage floor. She was white (!) and stayed white, but her undercoat just got naaaastay! She got frequent baths, and she hated them. oh yeah, good times.

Zube said...

Ooh, that lie would've driven me batty!

Stinky dogs abound. Zack's been pretty smell lately, too.

Chickie said...

Scorpy - I had no idea bassetts could be so smelly. This'll be the last one I have.

Zube Girl - Lying just totally chaps my ass. And the boys are very aware of that now.

I'm blaming Tasha's stinkiness on the season change.

Anonymous said...

What makes Stinky so stinky? She needs baths more than any other inside dog I've known.

Chickie said...

MCB - It seems to be a bassett hound thing. My next dog will be a different breed.