
Another ExWife Grouch

Sweety gets a call yesterday from EW because her pre-schooler has fallen off the couch and she doesn't know if he needs to go to the emergency room. Since Sweety was trained as an EMT about 3 years ago, she feels he has the medical knowledge neccessary to diagnose her sprog over the phone.

He tells her he can't tell her what to do and if she thinks the kid needs to go to the hospital then she needs to take him.

Two hours later...

The phone rings again and the kid is loaded in an ambulance and is freaking out about going to the hospital (he associates hospitals with his deceased father. he thinks since he dad didn't come home from the hospital that he won't be coming back either.) so she wants LB(9) and BB(11) to talk to him and reassure him that he'll be okay. WTF? Isn't it her job to reassure her kid? Not his 9 and 11 year old brothers?

Of course the phone call totally freaked out the boys. LB especially went bonkers, thinking that his little brother was at death's door.

The kid was wrestling with one of his stuffed animals and dove off the couch with it while doing some kind of wrestling move and landed on his head. He cried for about 2 hours until the EW decided to call an ambulance. It turns out he sprained his neck.

You know what I want? I want her to stop calling my husband over stuff that is none of his concern. I'm thinking she must not have a boyfriend right now so that's why she's calling Sweety. Awhile back she was calling him with stupid questions and he stopped answering when she'd call if the boys were with us - he figured if the boys are with us and alive that whatever she has to say can go to voicemail. Guess that's what he'll start doing again.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ahhh that EW! She is something else, my dear Chickie. Again, I read this incident and think to myself, this woman is soooo involved with herself she doesn't even have a good mothering instinct...she is like a child herself in so very many ways...I feel for all of you, but I especially feel for the boys. EW is a nightmare.

Titus said...

No boyfriend eh? Why don't try hook me up with her, she needs a diversion and I might be it. Benefit: a. I can steer her clear of you and your hubby, b. she needs someone mature to help her think through her problems. Good enough? Question is does she like sushi?

Chickie said...

OOLOTH - I was at a total loss for words when Sweety told me about the second phone call. She doesn't stop to think about how her actions effect the boys.

Titus - Oh sheesh, I wouldn't do that to you.

Anonymous said...

Just think: now she's got that huge ass ambulance bill to pay, plus ER payments her insurance won't cover.

Anonymous said...

Just think: now she's got that huge ass ambulance bill to pay, plus ER payments her insurance won't cover.

shannon said...

I like the tactic of not answering the phone when the boys are with you...it makes so much sense. However, I think the bitch dying would make the most sense...not that I wish death all willy nilly on people, but she's just annoying as hell.

Wow, what issues do I have today?

Joey Polanski said...


"Boy Falls On Head -- Mom Suffrs Brain Damidge"

Anonymous said...

How about an answering machine message: "Chickie & Sweetie are home right now, but we are screening calls. Please say your name after the tone & we will pick up if we want to speak to you"

The Phosgene Kid said...

That is the downside of pre-owned families, there is usually some baggage left in the attic. Time to clean out the attic.

Chickie said...

Bekah - I'm pretty sure the kid gets medical care from the state. Don't think she has to pay much (if any) for this sort of thing.

Shannon - I've been trying to kill her with thoughtbeams for 5 years now and she just won't do it; She's my kryptonite.

Mike - We use avoidance over heart to heart talks with her. If you try to talk about something that she doesn't like she just freaks out.

Joey Polanski - I think the brain damage is an old injury with her.

Sissy Strut - We just use our mobile phones so there's no answering machine to screen. I fixed Sweety's phone last night so it won't ring if it's her calling and the boys are with us.

The Phosgene Kid - So true.

shannon said...

The heart to heart talks would mean she has a heart, which it doesn't seem that she does.

Chickie said...

Shannon - No brain either! It's a miracle that she lives!