
Happy Birthday Sweety!

Sweety turns 37 today. This means that for the next 3 months he gets to have a cute wife who is 8 years younger than him.

I'm making a cake - it's kind of a modified box mix. While this may not be a big deal for most people it is for me. I generally buy things already made because stuff has a tendancy to goof up when I try it. But food is love so I'm gonna birth our own cake today. And I will love it and squeeze it and name it George! Oh, sorry. I got sidetracked there.

Since I'm such a procrastinator I've got lots of crap to do to build a proper "happy birthday" evening for him.

Tiny dog has already started to celebrate. I'm gonna hide the liquor when I leave the house today so she doesn't get too sauced before the party.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sweety!!! How cool, our hubbies are the same age, we have more in common than I thought.....of course, I am older...ewwww, to be young again **deep sigh**......oh well, have fun....and yeah, good idea hiding the booze from Tiny dog...what a booze hound....hee...I made a funny!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sweety!! I hope the cake is wonderful! (And, Tiny Dog is so damn cute in the hat!)

Anonymous said...

LOL....my theory is, ANYTHING that is prepared at home is HOME MADE!!! I mean even if you microwave it, it wasn't bought through a drive-through or at a store...dude, that's HOME MADE!!

HB to Sweety! I can just GUESS what his present is.....

Joey Polanski said...

Bettr take FULL rsponsibility, Chickie.

We expeckt pitchrs of that cake.

An -- OH! -- are we evr gonna laff if ya fuck it upski!

Chickie said...

TXSM - I hid the booze from Tiny but she had her own stash. She's such a lush.

Bekah - The cake sent us all into sugar shock. But it was tasty.

Mike - I do have plenty of leftover cake - it's the kind where a little dab will do ya.

Bex - Your theory is definitely correct! I can't remember the last time I cooked anything at home. We eat out and order in too much.

Sweety's gift involves midgets and emus and baby oil.

Joey Polanski - I am no shirker of responsibility. It all went pretty okay. The cake was ugly as sin but it tasted great!

I'll try to fuck up something soon so you can have a good chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the "happy birthdays".

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late, but Happy Birthday, Sweety.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - Better late than never!

Anonymous said...

Our computer was dead on Wednesday but I still wanted to wish Sweety a belated Happy Birthday.

Chickie said...

MCB - Thank you!