

I think my eye doctor prescribed the wrong strength for my contact lenses. No, I'm sure he did. After the exam he asked what strength I'd been using and I told him -3.75 in each eye. I get home and realize I use -3.00 in my left and -4.00 in my right. The new ones he gave me were -3.75 and I can tell that I can't see as well. Everything looks like it does after 5 shots of tequila but I don't have the fun feeling that usually comes along with that. Guess I'll get them fixed when I go back to get my eyes checked again next week.

My hair is getting renovated on Saturday! Woooooo-hoooooo! Sweety, it'll be like you have a new wife! I went to one place (that I'd never been to before) and made an appointment today and when the guy was writing my appointment down I noticed that his hands were dirty. Like auto mechanic dirty. And since he's a hairdresser and NOT an auto mechanic, the more I think about it the more it bothers me. So I tracked down my old hairdresser and she's fixing me up this weekend.

Good grief dogs! Shut the fuck up! The damned canines have been barking at nothing all freaking day long. They don't need to eat or potty and they've been given plenty of love so shut up already.

There is so much today to do that I have not done yet. I'm going to clean out the boys' rooms and throw out a bunch of stuff. Meant to do it this morning but got sidetracked (getting my eyebrows waxed & making hair appointments) and haven't gotten to them yet. I did manage to go through all the clutter on the kitchen counters and throw away lots of stuff though.

Tiny dog has developed a new way to lay on me. I guess she heard that I have problems with her favorite lounging position so now she lays across my leg with her back legs splayed open and her coochie all up on me. I don't know which position I prefer.

I took a hoodia pill this morning to help squash my appetite and I think it's working. I also think it's making me poop my brains out but I guess you have to suffer a little in order for something to work, right?

Okay, my eyes are definitely messed up because I can't even see what damn time it is on my house clock! And now, I also notice that there is a clock conveniently located on the bottom corner of my computer screen. Sweety said that talking to me is sometimes like talking to a snowman. Sometimes, I think he is right.

I must go and fetch the sprogs from their last day of school. Let summer begin!


The Phosgene Kid said...

You should get some really strong contacts and then you could see through walls and stuff. That'd be so cool!!

BO Snagley said...

i lost my glasses over a year ago and have not been willing to buy some new ones.

Joey Polanski said...

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river,

With tangerine trees and marmelade skies.

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes."

Chickie said...

The Phosgene Kid - Believe it or not, but I DID have some of those at one time. Tiny dog licked one out of my eyeball though and I went ahead the threw the other one away.

Mike - Talking to a snowman is like talking to a big puddle of water. (So Sweety says. I don't know how he decided this.)

Bo Snagley - If I were without contacts at all then I'd need a seeing eye dog.

Joey Polanski - I thought you'd submitted some poetry there til I googled your comment.

Anonymous said...

I figure there's no reason to ever get my eyes checked because the less I can see the better everyone else looks.

Chickie said...

Bekah - I truly can't see for shit without help. When I do take out the contacts, it is nice to bumble around the house in a blind fog.

Anonymous said...

How did the eye doctor mess up the prescription s bad. Didn't he check?

If it will make you feel any better, I won't say what my prescription is but it is MUCH stronger than yours.

Chickie said...

MCB - He gave me an eye exam and I guess what he was coming up with was close to what I told him (the 3.75 number) so he said he'd just give me what I've been using since it's been working so well. But I guess there's a pretty big difference in what I told him I thought it was and what it is because I can't see my computer screen well anymore!

Anonymous said...

I got my hair renovated this morning. It looks exactly the same, but somehow it feels better.

.- said...

i'm looking for it tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the hoodia too!!

Chickie said...

MV & Bellarosa - Make sure you get lots of good toilet paper too.

Chickie said...

Anne Arkham - The hair is probably happy that you're paying attention to it. I expect mine to throw me a party after it gets done!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh I missed getting here yesterday and today...You have been busy...
It occurred to me that hairdressers hands might ber stained with dye...Is that possible?
I hope you asre going to take a picture of your new hairdo...!