
I Heart Texas!

I have finally gotten to lovely East Texas! Woo hoo! I'm at a friend's house, waiting for her to get home. I can't wait to see all of my friends. (all 3 of them) Tomorrow, another friend is picking me up and we'll do some running around at our old haunts. I have promised Sweety that I won't drink enough tequila to incapacitate myself. I'm gonna be here til Thursday morning and that should give me plenty of time to visit everybody.

The friend I'm visting now has one whacked-out dog. The dog's a powderpuff chinese crested dog (she looks kinda like a mangy cotton ball) and she's blind. For awhile she was only blind in one eye and they put a marble in that eye (for some reason, I found that hilarious). Since she's blind in both eyes now, my friend has grown the dog's bangs out so you aren't looking at the empty sockets. She's also very nervous about the other dog that lives here so she just keeps her blind self hidden under the bed. She has some kind of toy that she thinks the world is after so she must protect it under the bed. Sometimes I like to call and call to the dog on the answering machine just to imagine how much it freaks her out.

We got totally eaten up by chiggers and mosquitoes while at my Mom's house. We rented a cabin at a park and brought bug spray but neglected to use it. I am an itchy mess.

It took for freaking ever to load my half nekkid post. It took two tries and about 30 minutes to download the photo. My Mom came outside when Sweety was getting ready to take the photo and I had to explain the "half nekkid thursday" thing to her. She now thinks there are a lot of crazy people on the internet.

I'm gonna go bond with the blind dog now.


Titus said...

I can't wait to hear from you how you explained that photo session to your mom. If I were in your place, I would have been mortified.

Chickie said...

Eh, Mom took it pretty well. Luckily, I hadn't disrobed when she came out but she was wondering why we were taking pictures in the dark.

Jess said...

lmao... shes just now figuring out how crazy people are on the internet?

Oh poor dog I can just imagine. I had a dog once that had very bad eyesight and as a result she was quite neurotic acting and people would think she was mean because she would hide alot, but she was just scared.

Anonymous said...

I am so not explaining HNT to my mom. Especially since were usually a bit more than half nekkid. I would love to have been a fly on the fence in that conversation.

Chickie said...

Jess - We've gotten this dog out from under the bed a bit but she's still skittish. She'll probably be glad when I leave and she has the place back to normal.

MCB - I didn't really explain the "N" part of HNT. I just told her there were a bunch of people that take photos to post on certain days.