
Road Rage Rant

I curse a lot when I'm livid.

this is an audio post - click to play


Titus said...

It was so much more interesting to hear you right after you just had your encounter on the interstate. As i had said, it is a good thing you do not carry a pistol or else you would have been on the evening news. I think it is time to carry a chill pill in a small pillbox in your purse for times like these. I used to do that at the bank when I thought I was not going to make the dead lines. I would take one and while it made me groggy, I could still think straight enough to get my work done. It must scare the daylights out of your hubby to see how you are when you get really ticked off.

Chickie said...

Titus - Sweety has never been the subject of my ire, so he hasn't ever gotten the full effect of it.

Mike - I'm thinking that some people don't deserve to breathe.