
What a messed up world.

I just found out that one of my friends died last night. She was my ex-SIL but we've always been really close. She's my age. I guess she felt tired and went to bed and that was it. She'd always said that if anything ever happened to her that she wanted me to take her kids and I'd agreed. We didn't have anything in writing so I don't know what's going to happen with that.

I think I'm going to take a blog break. I need to sit with the covers over my head for awhile. I'll see you all next weekish.


Ginamonster said...

I know that there is noting I can say that will make you feel better because, it just sucks. But sometimes, people are just done doing whatever it was they were here to do and so they go. Even though they are young. even though they have kidlets. Remember all the things she did that make you smile, and know I'm thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear that. I'm here if you need to talk.

r.fuel said...

Very sorry for your loss.

Osbasso said...

Wow. So very sorry to hear that. Wish there was something comforting I could say...

Don't worry about us--come back whenever you're ready.

Debs - debslosingit.com said...

Gina said it already... we'll be here when you come back to us. *hugs*

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh My Dear Chickie..I'm so very sorry for your loss....That is just horrific! So young...! Good Lord!
My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Chickie....!
If you need anythingf...don't hestitate....! And take all the time you need....HUGS to you, my dear.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sucks. I would be hiding too.

I know I am just some nameless, faceless blog friend, but I care and not that I think I can do anything, but if I can (Like laundry-you can ship it here and I'll ship it back). Just let me know.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. Really.

Margaret said...

just hugs...


Rich | Championable said...

Peace from my fam to yours.

Michael said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your s-i-l. I hope things work out ok with the kids. Take some time off and take care of yourself.



The Phosgene Kid said...

That's pretty tough. Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about your friend Chickie. Just come back when you are ready. We will be thinking of you and missing you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Chickie, I am so very sorry for the loss. There are no words that will ease your pain, blessings to all in this time of loss.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Big long distant www hugs. Take care and we'll be here waiting for you whenever you need us.

Monogram Queen said...

I am so sorry Chickie. I hope you get everything sorted out. You know we love ya and will be here when you feel like blogging again.

Anonymous said...

Take care Chickie.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Hope you are feeling better!

Joey Polanski said...

Try to laugh. It heals.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Just checking in dear Chickie..hope you are hangin' in there, my dear...Hugs To You!

Frustrated Mom said...


Sorry to hear about your loss. Life sometimes throws us curve balls we just aren't ready to deal with. We have a few of those in our house as well. Take care & we're here if you need us!