
Kites are Dumb

It's official. I cannot launch a kite. Sweety met Sylvie and I at the park the other day and was helping us get the kite flown. He soon realized that I didn't know what I was doing and capitalized on this by having me run all over the park with the kite trailing behind me. At first I was so intent on running my hardest that I didn't see him snorting with laughter. Then I saw that some of the people at the park were watching me. Then I gave up. We'll take Sylvie to the beach on some windy day and give it another go.

The other night one of my coworkers commented on some Easter eggs that were in my vehicle. I drive a Honda Pilot with tinted windows - not some low to the ground car that can be seen into easily. And he's not the tallest person. Which means he was peeping in my car. This did prompt me to clean it out. I figured if someone might look in there I didn't want them to see the squalor.

The trip to the Science Center yesterday went well. We went and ate barbeque before we went. (Sweety has found one bbq place that I think is good down here and one Mexican food restaurant that's tasty. These places help keep my tatebuds in check til I can go to Texas and eat some REAL food.) Then we came home for cake and ice cream. Sylvie had fun helping me make the cake. Her mom sent her a big box of clothes. Some things don't fit and we'll have to exchange them this weekend. Some of the stuff can't be worn to school (sandals and spaghetti strap tops) This morning on our trip to wallyworld she wore a pink short sleeved t-shirt with arm socks and her new pink cowboy had with pink crystals all around the brim. She looked kind of like a miniature stripper. By the time we got back to the car she was ready to ditch the hat and arm socks though. Good.

I got both of the dogs washed yesterday! I just couldn't stand it anymore. Stinky dog was starting to look like Pigpen from the Charlie Brown gang. They got flea soap and baby shampooed. Now they smell like flowers. And Oy got to put on a new shirt. Red and white paisley print. Sweety said that I dress the dog to fill a void in my life. Whatever. I just think it's hilarious to see tiny dogs in clothes.

Well, this is the third post I've tried to do in 2 days. I wonder if blogger is going to suck it into some black hole.

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