

Something stolen from Kat

Accent: Southern (Texan/Okie)
Bra size: 34DD
Chore I hate: Mopping
Dad's name: Robert
Essential make-up: Liner/Mascara
Favorite perfune: Gaultier
Gold or Silver: Gold
Hometown: Tiny town in OK
Interesting fact: My body rejected my nipple piercings. The others are fine.
Job title: Customer Support
Kids: 2 stepsons (mon thru wed) and niece (til school is out)
Living arrangement: House, 3 bed/2 bath
Mom's birthplace: Korea
Number of apples eaten last week: Zero
Overnight hospital stays: Zero
Phobia: Crunchy bugs (june bugs, roaches, spiders)
Question you ask yourself a lot: What the fuck? (accompanied w/head pounding on desk)
Religious affiliation: Agnostic leaning towards Atheist
Siblings: One sister
Time I wake up: 6:50 a.m. and back to bed til 1 p.m.
Unnatural hair color: Trying to go back to natural brown but having to dye over all the processing to get it there
Vegetable I refuse to eat: None (I can choke anything down to be polite)
Worst habit: Picking
X-rays: One
Yummy food I make: Meat loaf
Zodiac sign: Leo


Anonymous said...

We are SO much a like. Really. I went from dying my hair blonde to back to it's original brown, and now back to blonde.

And the religion thing...I really think I believe in God. But I never know. You need to read Angels and Demons. Suggested to me by an athiest.

Chickie said...

My hair was about waist length and not processed in any way. 4 years ago I decided it would be a good idea to give it a spiral perm and highlight it. After 3 years of said processing it revolted and I've spent the last year growing it out and trying to not call attention to it. I'll probably start the cycle again as soon as it's long enough. I never learn.

I'll check out the Angels and Demons book as soon as I get my library fine paid off. Thanks!