
I Need to Start Censoring My Opinions

I said something tacky last night. Sweety and I were talking about my sister and her new man or fiance or whatever and he said something about the guy being in his 30's and never married before. I don't think this is a bad thing and told Sweety that. He said something else about how it was odd or something and I had a thought to myself of "Gee, what's so bad about having your first marriage at 35 as opposed to being in your 3rd? (as is sweety)" And I kind of smirked when I thought it. I guess Sweety felt the smirk cause then he started pestering me to know what I was laughing at. So I told him. Then I apologized and told him the next time I say 'you really don't wanna know' he should listen. I tried to make something up to tell him but couldn't come up with anything else on the spot.

Gonna go eat lunch with Mary today. She had her unemployment hearing the other day and said it went well. I guess her lawyer caught a supervisor from work in a contradiction (lie) and it was obvious. I hope everything works out for her.

I dropped the kiddos off at school this morning. I didn't walk them to their doors. Just went thru the parent drop off line. By the time I listen to everyone pick at each other over breakfast, fuss in the bathroom, grouch about the temperature in the house and whine over who gets to sit where in the car, I just want everyone out of my presence. And the parent drop off line is the quickest means to that goal.

For Halloween we went to Universal for their Halloween Horror nights thing with some other people and I decided to wear new tennis shoes to the event. After walking around for 8 hours and drinking a couple of gallons of beer my big toes were completely bruised. Upon taking the polish off of them today, I see that the nails are finally back to their normal color instead of purple. Thank goodness. I thought I was going to carry the physical reminder of that night forever.

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