

I spoke with my ex-sister-in-law today. Even though I divorced her brother we're still close and I love my nephews & niece to pieces. This guy that she's hooked up with and just had a baby with has apparently lost his mind and she needs to leave. Long story short, she asked if they (her & 3 kids) could come here. About a year or so I offered to let them come down here but that was before Sylvie(6) was living with us. I feel really bad about it but told her that I don't think my marriage could stand it. I got to thinking and of the 4 years we've been married only 6 months or so were spent alone. The rest of the time my sister has been here or my niece has been in and out. I can't invite any more drama in. Sweety is a saint.

And speaking of Sylvie...

She had a total meltdown today. I thought I was going to lose my mind. She threw a temper tantrum that would rival any 2 year old's. The screaming and wailing and stomping over nothing. I do not know what the fuck happened. She started wailing she wanted her mommy - which she only does when she's in trouble. So this time I said "okay. let me get her on the phone and you can tell her whatever you want." She didn't want to talk after I told her that. Got my sister on the phone and warned her what was going on before I put Sylvie on the phone. After she was done talking to Sylvie my sister wanted to talk to me. So while she was busy getting a pedicure I was listening to her child freak out.

On the bright side of things today: I got BB(10) some new fish for his tank. A dragon fish, 2 frogs and 2 tiny fish. He just found them. I told him the fish fairy must have stopped by and I bet that she was one neat fairy.

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