
Home Early...Again

So shoot me. It was just such a lovely evening. I felt compelled to leave work 2 and a half hours into my shift. The thought of sitting in that chair for another 390 minutes was overwhelming.

Sweety wasn't too pleased to see me. He's afraid I'm going to get fired. So I explained all the things I check on before I make the decision to let a headache send me home. I'm just an ant. There's a thousand other people doing what I do. As long as I fly under the radar my absence shouldn't be noticed. And if it is then I'll just have to keep my nose to the grindstone for awhile and be a good little soldier.

I hope the sex later makes him happy that I came home early. If it doesn't, the next time I leave early I may go to the movies or something instead of coming home so soon.

When I was loading pictures into my new online album I downloaded some that Sweety had taken of me right after the liposuction. Geez. I'd forgotten how disgusting that was. Everyone needs a photo of themselves, naked, drugged up, standing in the shower with fluid squirting from a dozen different holes (but skinny as hell). He said he took the pictures because when would he ever get to see such a thing again? My Sweety is a sicko.

Sylvie's dad has agreed to let my sister's fiance adopt Sylvie once they are married. I'm glad. Hopefully, if Sylvie has a male influence around she won't be pregnant at 14. I just hope everything works out. Maybe I'll worry less about my niece when she's with her mom if her stepdad seems to be an okay guy. I can't believe I've eaten birth control my whole freaking life and I still got lucky enough to get the worry of parenting.

If stinky dog doesn't stop licking her toes I am going to go insane. Fuck dog. Give it a rest. Good. She felt my thoughtbeams and has left the room to groom elsewhere.

I better go make nice with Sweety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than a dog licking your feet....yum...well..ok..maybe a couple of things better.