Except the sprogs are still awake. It seems that earlier in the week, unbeknownst to me, Sweety pimped out one of my stories for tonight. At about 8:45 everyone is wanting to know when am I gonna tell the bedtime story that Sweety promised. I've told him not to do that. I need time to prepare for a story. Unfortunately the boys know that I am one kick ass story teller so I can't get away with any Goldilocks and the Three Bears crap. So instead of telling them a story, we let them all sleep in the tent they built in the toy room. They laid down an hour ago. I went to check on them about 10 minutes after they laid down and ignored the sound of Jolly Ranchers clacking in their mouths. 20 minutes ago I confiscated new candy that was being opened and everyone was warned to go to sleep. I am confident they will pass out soon. I should have just made up some sucky 10 minute story and put everyone in their own beds. But that's just not my way. If it's a story night they go to bed at least 30 minutes early cause the story will be at least 45 minutes long. I have promised to tell them a story on Tuesday or Wednesday night when I'm off. I'm gonna brainstorm at work the next couple of nights and come up with something good. One time BB wanted a scary story so I made up a story just for him, it was too creepy for the little ones but okay for him. He still talks about it. I don't have any ideas yet for my next group story. It will probably involve talking dogs (stinky dog and tiny dog) and magical powers. The kids seem to really like being endowed with super powers.
If this is rambly it is because I am working on big tumbler of wine #2.
Sweety is watching some kind of race on t.v. I am not a race person. Or an any kind of sports person. I'll just watch the news later and see who won. It's not like me watching changes the outcome.
He's been having some kind of weird head pains for a little while now. He said it feels like an icepick and comes out of nowhere. We can see this vein throbbing on his forehead. I've been trying to get him to go to the hospital this weekend but he won't. He says if it still hurts on Monday he'll go to the doctor. I don't know if we'll have sex tonight. I wouldn't want him to get all excited and have an aneurysm.
It seems that LB(8) has retired to his own bed. This must mean the other two are asleep in the toyroom. Good. I can go refill my glass without worrying about freaking out one of the boys by having them see me drink alcohol.
I'm starting the fucking Hollywood 48 hour juice fast-diet thingy tomorrow. So I will have nothing to eat til after I get my damn "after" shot done for the lipo. Woo hoo. I'm going to miss chewing food.
I think oral sex should quell the need for food. Of course, he can't finish cause I don't want his brain to explode due to the blood clot or whatever is going on up there. I told him that I'm sure it's nothing major. He'll just have to get used to the excruciating icepick-like pain for the rest of his long life.
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