

I just remembered this morning that I have volunteered to work the kindergarten booth at the school fair thing next Saturday. The first time the teacher sent the note out asking I didn't sign up but when she sent it out again because only 1 person had I felt compelled to put my name in the 10 to 11 time slot. Sweety laughed his ass off when I told him. I don't do crowds well. This should be interesting.

We do have an all night sitter for Sylvie(6) next Saturday so we're going to go out to eat and gambling that night. We're going out with the same couple we've been going out with. I'm going to try and not drink too much and start talking about boobies or anything that could embarrass me later. The nice thing about the lady half of the couple, Erica, is that she will drink as much as me. I like that. I like to feel like everyone is having as good a time as I am. That should be a nice way to wind down after keeping hordes of kids in line.

And Sylvie's teacher sent a note home today requesting a meeting on the 18th. I think she's doing better but I don't know if this is good or bad. I'm thinking the teacher only wants to talk to you if it's bad. We shall see.

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