
It's My Saturday! Yippee!

It is most definitely worth it for me to work 4 10 hour days and have 3 off. My hardest part about work is just getting there. Once there, I'd rather stay an extra couple of hours and be done with it. Unless I come home early, of course. And even then I still have the 3 days off, hee hee.

I was thinking of making a seating chart for the sprogs. Because EVERY SINGLE TIME they get in a vehicle it is a big ol' whinefest about who sits where. It makes me want to rub my eyes with a cheese grater. If Sweety's taking them to school I'll say my goodbyes and then try to get as far away from the garage as possible so as to protect my ears from their high pitched conversation. I think sometimes the voices are at a decibel that only dogs and I can hear. Then I decided that a seating chart was stupid and if they get too unruly we can let them fight it out in the garage (with the door closed so the neighbors don't see) with baseball bats or tasers. note to self: check ebay for tasers.

Tiny dog Oy was caught chowing down on stinky dog Tasha's eye boogers this morning. Sweety said she was eating sand last night so I guess she must have cement in her belly now. I think Tasha likes the abuse. She just stood there while her eyeball was being poked by a sharp little nose. Maybe she's just given up.

There was one seriously scary looking dog out in our neighborhood this morning. It was tall and skinny and completely black and right in the big middle of the road. I would have mowed it down but it moved and I saw a flash of pink belly. When I took Oy out to potty I kept the leash short in case she needed to be reeled in quickly while under attack.

I realized yesterday I spend a lot of time concerning myself with dog poop. Is it in the yard? On anyone's shoes? Could someone bring me a bag so I can collect it? Has the dog pooped yet so I can go inside? Hmm, does her butt look like she needs to poop so I can get her outside? I was wondering this morning what size colostomy bag would be needed for a chihuahua and what kind of covering could I build for it so it couldn't be ripped off. I decided that a catheter for the dog would be okay too. I need a new interest.

I'm so not looking forward to the school carnival thing this weekend. Maybe it will get cancelled. I'm just not going to think about it again til Saturday.

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