
How Weird Am I?

Friday night at work I almost had a meltdown. I had a snack to eat but I couldn't get everything arranged just right on my desk so I could eat it. I like everything on a table to be tidy before I eat but it was a hard task to accomplish at my desk that I share with someone else. After about 10 minutes of arranging and rearranging things on my desk I had a little talk with myself and decided that I was being effing nuts and to just open up the damn cinnamon bun and eat it, who cares if my pencils aren't all pointing in the same direction. And as I ate it I realized it tasted pretty good without my dusting my desk before I ate it. Maybe this will be a new beginning for me. Not only can I handle my house being a wreak but soon I will be able to eat dinner at the garbage dump and not bat an eyelash.

You Are 55% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself


Anonymous said...

I like to tidy up my desk before I leave work every day. And if it's a long weekend, I like it pristine. That being said, the house is a mess. It's the kids' chores to clean up and I refuse to get bothered enough by the disarray to do their work for them. My daughter really pushes on this issue. The only time she cleans up as much as I would like is when she wants to do something. Fortunately she's got a pretty active social life for a 12-year old; otherwise, the floors would never get vacuumed.

Chickie said...

I think I like keeping my desk tidy cause it's MY place and I can kinda control it. The plan today is to get the house clean and the boys are going to get specific chores to do to help maintain it other than just the making of their own beds.