
Maybe a Politically Incorrect Rant

I think it would be okay to cut child molesters weenies off. Or sew their coochies up, whatever the case may be.

With that being said I also think there's something wrong with picketing outside of a convicted molesters home until they move away. I just saw something on t.v. where these people did this to a couple of guys in one town. Their reasoning was to make it safe for their kids to walk home from school. What the fuck?

I don't think there are any convicted felons living within walking distance to our school but I'm still not gonna let the boys walk to school alone. I worry about the molesters yet to be convicted as well as the ones that are.

I dunno. I just think you should always watch your kids. No matter who lives in the neighborhood. Our kids are probably pretty sheltered and I'm okay with that.


Anonymous said...

The world is a dangerous place and there will always be evil people that we don't know about until it's to late. We can only punish the bad guys so much. These days it seems like we take out our anger about unknown perpetrators on just about anyone. Running people out of town doesn't truly make it safer. As a parent, I'll always worry about my kids, even when they are grown. I always lock my doors and turn on my alarm. It's not much but it's something.

Chickie said...

The thing I saw on t.v just really bugged me because all of these parents were talking about how it was "safe" for their kids now that these guys were gone. (BTW both of the guys were almost in their 70's, one in a wheelchair and one has Parkinson's.) And I'm just thinking "Aren't you worried about the bad guys that are out there just waiting to do their first bad deed?"