
I Feel Pukey

Have you ever had a feeling that something really crappy was fixing to happen? I am so there right now. I think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.

I'm afraid that the phone call I got from my supervisor yesterday is going to open up a can of worms. I think she called me to see where I was because her supervisor was alerted to my absence. Even though she said everything was okay I just have a bad feeling. I hope that my attendance records haven't been pored over. But I have an idea that they have been. Which will draw attention to the fact that I'm one of those people that knows just how much work they can miss and still meet my "numbers" for the month. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

I feel like I have a wad of Play-Doh in my stomach. I hope this is just complete paranoia and that I haven't pushed the envelope too much.

I think if I got canned I wouldn't tell Sweety. I would just continue to leave the house on my regular days and go to my new job at the strip club. Tell him that my work has decided to start paying me with cash instead of direct deposit. (cue the nervous crazy laughter now)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that you will be fine at work. Generally when there is confusion like that, it's more of a bad reflection on the supervisor than it is on the employee. Who's to say who said something that was unclear? It takes two for a misunderstanding.