
Only Two More Days of School!

And then I can come home from work and get 6 or 7 straight hours of sleep before waking instead of breaking it up to get the little squirrels ready for school. I cannot wait. It's nice that the boys are old enough to amuse themselves in the morning so I don't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to pour their cereal anymore.

My sister is here. She got here at about 3:30 this morning. She and Sylvie will be leaving Thursday morning, I think. I have spent every moment alone either being gleeful that the niece will be gone soon and my life will go back to "normal" or crying because she's gonna be gone. I will be glad when this roller coaster ride is over. My sis got married a couple of days ago. And she found out after the wedding, while looking at the wedding license, that her new husband lied about his age by saying he was 12 years younger than he really is. So he is 20 years older than her. He doesn't look that old. I wouldn't have guessed it. He offered to annul the marriage if it bothered her but she decided she would have married him anyway if she'd have known beforehand. Being the eternal optimist, my first comment was 'what else has he lied about?'. She thinks this is all. I hope so. He seems like a nice guy.

I had the most interesting sexual experience Saturday night. I like the rough stuff every now and then but Sweety is afraid of causing me injury so he holds back. Not Saturday. I feel like I've been beaten with a rubber hose. I like it. And when he came, I have never seen such. It made me laugh cause there was just so freaking much of it. It was a two towel clean up. Lovely. Hope to have an encore performance soon.

I left work early on Friday because my stinking back was hurting so bad. I puked from the pain and actually wet my pants. And I told my supervisor. I don't like to talk about illnesses so if I'm sick I just say I'm leaving sick and don't elaborate. She asked me if I was okay and I told her I had a killer backache. Then she asked if I'd slipped a disc or what. So I said 'i'm pretty sure it's from my boobs. i have never felt pain like this before. i've been puking off and on today cause it's made me so nauseated and i just peed my pants while vomiting.' After hearing that she had no problemo with me leaving. She suggested I get a doctor's note so that work can code me as using FMLA time and if I have to leave again it won't count against me. I'm glad I told her the reason why I was leaving cause I wouldn't have thought about the FMLA thing.

Swimming in the neighbor's pool yesterday kicked ass. I thought I wouldn't like being in a pool outside cause it's so hot. I was wrong. They have a saltwater pool instead of a chlorine one so you don't have to deal with the overpowering scent of bleach. Sweety's suggested getting a pool before but I always poo-pooed the idea. But yesterday I told him that we need to get a pool. With a swirly slide. And a privacy fence so I can run around the backyard naked. I think we will be looking into it soon, maybe this winter.


Random and Odd said...

Yay! another blogger not afraid tell it like it is!!

Oh, and uh...the huband lie thing. BE CAREFUL. I married one of those and there were MAJOR lies to be uncovered in the 12 years we were together. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Twelve years you say and never said anything? He's probably got more skeletons in the closet than...

Glad you had fun on Saturday night. One day, you are going to have to elaborate on your encounter with Sweety. It might be something to put on the "todo" list.

We have a pool in the backyard but there will be no naked escapades. With the style of fence we have you are "on display" at all times. I thought about a privacy fence but the way that the neighbors house are you would still be able to see over the fence into the backyard. And it's been too cold at night to do much ever since we got it put in.

We got our pool ready for the season a month ago and the weather her has been so cold we still haven't been able to get in it. I am jealous of the though of being able to do anything with a pool in the winter (except long for spring).

Chickie said...

Kristine - the blog is the Only place i get to tell it like it is! i needed somewhere to vent before my head exploded.

with the husband thing - i'm just hoping that everything doesn't fall to crap with my sister but who knows. i agree w/MCB, 12 years? wow. you have some stamina!

MCB - starting a smutty blog is on my to do list. i may devote some time to that when Sylvie leaves and i have all this spare time!

we've been looking at pools. maybe i'll get lucky and we'll have one before december.