
What is Wrong with This Picture?

Why am I the one that's awake after 2.5 hours of sleep getting Sylvie ready for school before I have to go chaperone a field day at school for her and her mother is still asleep because she is 'sooo tired'? Hmmmm. I don't effing know.

I feel sorry for my niece. I hope my sister doesn't fuck up her life too much. But getting her a stepfather without even having him and Sylvie even meet yet doesn't seem like a good start to me. Maybe I am just a pissy person today.

I am gonna quit thinking evil thoughtbeams towards my sister. I spent 4 and a half years trying to will a brain tumor on the EW and her husband ends up getting it. I'm afraid my thoughts will miss my sister and land on the niece so I'm going to start cooling the evil thoughts.

I am going to go rub her eyes out with my cheese grater while she sleeps though.


Chickie said...

Thanks QoP! You are too kind.

I'll just be glad when my sister gets out of here. She's driving me nuts.

Anonymous said...

Your sister is a saint compared to my older brother. Mercifully, I only have to fool with him when my parents are out of town.

Chickie said...

My sister wouldn't piss me off so much if she didn't have a kid to take care of. I wouldn't care if she was sitting around smoking crack and making fake 100 dollar bills if it was just her. I hope she grows up soon. But at 26 she may be as good as she's gonna get.