
See Me Smile?

Nothing like a fantastic night of sex to make your morning easier to get going. After the sprogs FINALLY went to sleep last night I had myself a few shots of tequila while watching Desperate Housewives and then we retreated to the bedroom.

I think at some point I will maybe do another blog or something about the bedroom activities. Maybe just write down a few of the stories that Sweety likes to hear so he can read them when I'm not here. I don't want to do it here cause I don't want someone who likes to read and see how stinky dog is doing to be surprised with a threesome story. I'm still writing this for myself but am trying to be a good host as well :)

Went to the school for an Author's Tea with Sylvie's class. They all wrote and illustrated their own books about themselves and then they read them. At first I was concerned because she was acting like a monkey on crack but then I realized all of the kids were acting the same way. I think she was nervous because they were sitting in front of a group. To soothe herself she started sucking her thumb. Once I caught her eye she yanked it out though. When I was leaving the school with all of her papers and stuff I started to freaking cry. I know that part of me will be glad when she's gone and my life can get back to normal (whatever the heck that is) but I'm really going to miss the little rat.

All three of the kids have been in fine form the last couple of days. Yesterday I thought about eating one of them just to show the other two that I meant business when I was talking to them. I couldn't decide on which one though. So I took a nap instead.

I'm waiting for the canines to finish their lunch so I can put them up and take a nap before work tonight. I'll be glad when the boys are old enough to be latchkey kids so I can maybe change my schedule to work during the day. I don't think I'll ever think they're old enough for that. They'd probably kill each other if they were home alone. I'm surprised that my sister and I both lived to adulthood. We were pretty rough with each other.

Good. The dogs are nestling down for their after lunch nap. Guess I will too.


Jay said...

Chickie said: I don't want to do it here cause I don't want someone who likes to read and see how stinky dog is doing to be surprised with a threesome story

Personally, I don't mind the stinky dog posts but would prefer the threesome story.

Of course if you make another blog I'll just read that one.


Chickie said...

If I decide to toss some of my more graphic thoughts into blogland I'll put a link for it here also.

Anonymous said...

Do what I did. Start 2 blogs. Then link them with a disclaimer. Works great!

Chickie said...

If I do it I may not link the blogs. Because I know someone from my job that knows about my blog. He said he doesn't read it but I wouldn't want to put straight up smut here knowing that he could find it!