
Stop Looking at It

Who's that girl in the mirror with the cigarette burn on the bridge of her nose? Hmmm. I think it is me. And since I don't smoke that couldn't be a burn mark. It must be the pimple that is taking over my face. Let me tell you, I am one cute motherfucker right now. I can see the damned thing on my nose when my eyes are open. Right now a heavy spackle of toothpaste is on it trying to make it go away. Sweety and my sister have both been kind enough to remark on it.

Something I found funny...The neighbor thought that my sister was my mother! Ha fucking ha! I started to tell sis that but felt it was too unkind. I do have my limits.

I took one nifty photo of Sweety earlier today. He's wearing a headband with bunny ears on it and making some kind of rabid face. Before I took it he told me that I couldn't post it. Rats. Maybe I'll put it up tomorrow and just black out his eyes.

We got all of Sylvie's stuff packed up. They are leaving at 5 a.m. I have been a basket case all day today. It's going to be different without her around here. I'll be better with her leaving if when they get home I find out that they are all getting along well. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

California Girl likes taking photographs. On Sunday, she was even fixing her hair before taking photographs for Matching Sports Jerseys post even though she knew I was going to pixilate her face. I've got the originals and she does look good.

Children are resilient. Sylvie will be fine. You probably should remove her from your "Cast of Characters" on the sidebar or update what you say about her.

Chickie said...

mcb - oh that's funny about fixing her hair before taking photos to be pixilated. but i'd do the same thing, now that i think about it!

i'm hoping sylvie's okay. she had to deal with some pretty crappy stuff with her mom before she came to stay with us though.