

Sylvie left this morning. I handled it better than I thought I would. I was pretty weepy last night when we were packing her stuff though. I thought Sweety was going to come unglued when they were leaving. I think he may miss her more than I do. He spent more time with her cause he was with her when I was at work.

I'm supposed to go on a trip to TX by myself in July but I think I've just about talked myself out of it. I'm just not looking forward to going. When we go on our family vacation in June I'll get to spend one night with each of my girlfriends so I'm thinking of just cramming all of my visiting into those nights. If I don't go there me and Sweety could go on a trip alone somewhere. He's thinking Vegas. I'm thinking somewhere that I can run around naked in public.

The house is a total wreck. The last few days we've just kinda been like 'fuck it, we'll clean it later'. Now that Sylvie is gone I'm going to throw away just about everything in the room she was staying in. That room is also the kids' toyroom and it is a disaster area. We're going to put a couch and t.v. back there for the boys.

I would love to find a pinball machine to put back there. There's this one game, Theater of Magic, that I used to play all the freaking time at the bar I used to haunt in TX. Great game. I'd get wasted while playing that game. And woe to any man who tried to talk to me while I was playing. Break my concentration and I'll bust your ass. No wonder it took a blind date for me to meet Sweety. If he'd have approached me while I was on a game I'd have probably told him to shut the hell up.

We had sex three times yesterday! Woo Hoo! I can't wait til this Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the tripleheaders while you can. All too often we show up a bit rumpled at the children's' weekend activities. On more than one occasion, I've had California Girls juices on my mustache where the scent is overpowering and spent the whole afternoon wondering if anyone else could smell it.

Chickie said...

stuck - i swear, i have better sex if i don't see dust rabbits out of the corner of my eye! i guess i could just keep the lights off when the house is a wreck...

mcb - i usually tidy up sweety when we are done with a session. he thinks its the oriental or inner geisha in me. i'm definately enjoying all i can get now.